




I am rolling up a huge table by counts into a new table, where I want to change all the empty strings to NULL, and typecast some columns as well. I read through some of the posts and I could not find a query, which would let me do it across all the columns in a single query, without using multiple statements.


Let me know if it is possible for me to iterate across all columns and replace cells with empty strings with null.

参考:如何使用SQL Server将空白转换为空值?


据我所知,没有内置函数可以替换表中所有列的空字符串.您可以将 plpgsql函数 编写为照顾这个.

To my knowledge there is no built-in function to replace empty strings across all columns of a table. You can write a plpgsql function to take care of that.

以下函数用NULL替换给定表的所有基本字符类型列中的空字符串 .然后,如果其余字符串是有效的数字文字,则可以强制转换为integer.

The following function replaces empty strings in all basic character-type columns of a given table with NULL. You can then cast to integer if the remaining strings are valid number literals.

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION f_empty2null(_tbl regclass, OUT updated_rows int) AS
   -- basic char types, possibly extend with citext, domains or custom types:
   _typ  CONSTANT regtype[] := '{text, bpchar, varchar, \"char\"}';
   _sql  text;
   SELECT INTO _sql     -- build command
          format('UPDATE %s SET %s WHERE %s'
               , _tbl
               , string_agg(format($$%1$s = NULLIF(%1$s, '')$$, col), ', ')
               , string_agg(col || $$ = ''$$, ' OR '))
   FROM  (
      SELECT quote_ident(attname) AS col
      FROM   pg_attribute
      WHERE  attrelid = _tbl              -- valid, visible, legal table name
      AND    attnum >= 1                  -- exclude tableoid & friends
      AND    NOT attisdropped             -- exclude dropped columns
      AND    NOT attnotnull               -- exclude columns defined NOT NULL!
      AND    atttypid = ANY(_typ)         -- only character types
      ORDER  BY attnum
      ) sub;

   -- Test
   -- RAISE NOTICE '%', _sql;

   -- Execute
      updated_rows := 0;                         -- nothing to update
      EXECUTE _sql;
      GET DIAGNOSTICS updated_rows = ROW_COUNT;  -- Report number of affected rows
   END IF;
$func$  LANGUAGE plpgsql;


SELECT f_empty2null('mytable');
SELECT f_empty2null('myschema.mytable');


SELECT * FROM f_empty2null('mytable');


  • 表名必须有效且可见,并且主叫用户必须具有所有必要的特权.如果不满足这些条件中的任何一个,则该函数将不执行任何操作-即,也不会破坏任何操作.我强制转换为对象标识符类型regclass 确定.

  • Table name has to be valid and visible and the calling user must have all necessary privileges. If any of these conditions are not met, the function will do nothing - i.e. nothing can be destroyed, either. I cast to the object identifier type regclass to make sure of it.
    The table name can be supplied as is ('mytable'), then the search_path decides. Or schema-qualified to pick a certain schema ('myschema.mytable').


Query the system catalog to get all (character-type) columns of the table. The provided function uses these basic character types: text, bpchar, varchar, "char". Only relevant columns are processed.

使用 quote_ident() format()清除列名和防范SQLi .

更新的版本使用基本的SQL聚合函数string_agg()来构建命令字符串而不会循环,这更简单,更快捷.而且更优雅. :)

The updated version uses the basic SQL aggregate function string_agg() to build the command string without looping, which is simpler and faster. And more elegant. :)

必须使用具有EXECUTE 的动态SQL.

Has to use dynamic SQL with EXECUTE.

更新后的版本不包含定义为NOT NULL的列,并且仅在单个语句中更新 每行 ,这对于具有多个字符的表来说要快得多,键入列.

The updated version excludes columns defined NOT NULL and only updates each row once in a single statement, which is much faster for tables with multiple character-type columns.

应与任何现代PostgreSQL版本一起使用.经过Postgres 9.1、9.3和9.5的测试.

Should work with any modern version of PostgreSQL. Tested with Postgres 9.1, 9.3 and 9.5.


07-30 07:57