

本文介绍了Laravel使用Monolog \ Handler \ BrowserConsoleHandler进行日志记录的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


如何将 Laravel 5 的日志记录更改为Monolog\Handler\BrowserConsoleHandler?

How can Laravel 5's logging be changed to Monolog\Handler\BrowserConsoleHandler?

在Laravel 5中不起作用但在独立的PHP文件中不能起作用:

What doesn't work in Laravel 5 but does work in a standalone PHP file:

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log;
use Monolog\Handler\BrowserConsoleHandler;
use Monolog\Logger;

// create a log channel
$log = Log::getMonolog();
// $log = new Logger('Testlogger'); //doesn't make any difference
$log->pushHandler(new BrowserConsoleHandler(\Psr\Log\LogLevel::INFO));

// add records to the log


All that happens is that my logs appear in the logfile but don't find their way to the browser. If I try the code in a single PHP file without framework it works, so I assume it's a Laravel problem.

我安装了Firebug和FirePHP并使用$log->pushHandler(new FirePHPHandler());而不是BrowserConsoleHandler来工作,但这不是解决方案,因为它发送带有标头的日志,但是当记录器要发送标头时,我已经发送了一些debug-echos .

I get it working with Firebug and FirePHP installed and $log->pushHandler(new FirePHPHandler()); instead of BrowserConsoleHandler but this is not a solution since it sends the logs with headers but I already sent some debug-echos when the logger wants to send the headers.
BrowserConsoleHandler on the other hand adds a JavaScript snippet to the end of the site that perfectly fits my needs.


So, did anyone succeed in adding BrowserConsoleHandler to Laravel's logging? How?



After reading plenty of source code and getting xdebug to work I finally figuered it out:


BrowserConsoleHandler sends the script snipped after finishing the php script by register_shutdown_function(). At this time, Laravel already sent the full response to the browser. So the script snipped from BrowseConsoleHandler gets generated but never sent to the browser.


As a workaround you can build your own Middleware ( that invokes the code generation manually and adds it to the response before it gets sent.

创建 app/Http/Middleware/LogBrowserConsole.php :

namespace App\Http\Middleware;

use Illuminate\Contracts\Routing\Middleware;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log;
use Monolog\Handler\BrowserConsoleHandler;

class LogBrowserConsole implements Middleware {

  public function handle($request, \Closure $next)
    // add BrowserConsoleHandler to Laravel's Logger
    $log = Log::getMonolog();
    $log->pushHandler(new BrowserConsoleHandler(\Psr\Log\LogLevel::INFO));

    // invokes all your stuff like it would do without the middleware but with the new logger
    $response = $next($request);

    // after the request is done we care about the log entries
    $handlers = $log->getHandlers();

    $scriptSnippet = "";
    foreach($handlers as $handler){ // only handle BrowserConsoleHandler
        if($handler instanceof BrowserConsoleHandler){
            ob_start(); //start output buffer so we can save echo to variable
            $handler->send(); // create the scriptSnipped
            $scriptSnippet .= ob_get_clean();

    // write scriptSnippet to end of response content
    $content = $response->getContent();

    return $response;

app/Http/Kernel.php 中注册中间件:

protected $routeMiddleware = [
    'log.browserconsole' => 'App\Http\Middleware\LogBrowserConsole'

并使用 app/Http/routes.php 中的中间件调用控制器:

and invoke your Controller with the Middleware in app/Http/routes.php:

Route::get('test', ['middleware' => 'log.browserconsole', 'uses'=>'TestController@test']);


Alternatively, if you want to use the Middleware for every request you can add it to

protected $middleware = [

app/Http/Kernel.php 中.

您的路线看起来像Route::get('test', 'TestController@test');


Now, your Log::debug() etc. messages get sent to the logfile (the default LogHandler is still available, you just added another) and the script snipped from BrowserConsoleHandler gets built and sent to the browser with all your log items.

请紧记最终更改 app/Http/Middleware/LogBrowserConsole 中的日志级别\Psr\LogLevel::INFO以适应您的需求.

Keep in mind to eventually change the log level \Psr\LogLevel::INFO in app/Http/Middleware/LogBrowserConsole to fit your needs.

这篇关于Laravel使用Monolog \ Handler \ BrowserConsoleHandler进行日志记录的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-30 07:45