



我有一个 .jar 文件我想一直在 Debian 服务器上运行。

I have a .jar file I want to run all the time on a Debian server.

目前我已经找到了如何通过 ssh 访问服务器 Cygwin 并启动 .jar 。但是当我关闭我的开发机器上的Cygwin窗口时,它会杀死服务器上的进程(我想,因为它不再响应)。

Currently I have figured out how to access the server via ssh on Cygwin and start the .jar. But when I close the Cygwin window on my development machine, it kills the process on the server (I think, as it's not responding any longer).


java -jar myjar.jar packageName.fileNameOfFileWithMainMethod


I need to make this file run automatically and continually on the server (it is an integral part of the system I am developing).


Unfortunately I know next to nothing about server management, or non-windows operating systems in general (wasn't me who chose or made the server), so I really don't know what to do, nor what to search for (apparently, since my searching gave no usable results).


I have read (and edited because the text was a mess) this question, but although I feel it might be hinting in the right direction, I didn't get much help from it. I also tried my best googlefu, but it got me a lot of only tangentially related results.


I guess I'll have to make some kind of script (possibly containing the code line above), do some stuff to it and put it somewhere specific on the server to accomplish what I want to do.


Would someone be so kind as to explain how this is done?



One simple suggestion would be to run the jar file using Linux's CRON.


This article from unix stack exchange should get you going the correct direction for running a jar file using cron.


Alternatively, this article from mkyong.com is also clear and concise.


  1. 使用Cygwin连接

  2. 运行 crontab -e

  3. 输入 0 * * * * java -jar myjar.jar packageName.fileNameOfFileWithMainMethod 每小时运行一次jar文件。或者,要在服务器启动时启动一次,请输入 @reboot java -jar myjar.jar packageName.fileNameOfFileWithMainMethod

  1. Connect using Cygwin
  2. Run crontab -e
  3. Enter 0 * * * * java -jar myjar.jar packageName.fileNameOfFileWithMainMethod to run the jar file every hour at the top of the hour. Or, to start it once on server startup enter @reboot java -jar myjar.jar packageName.fileNameOfFileWithMainMethod


07-30 07:29