

我在s3中使用django-pipeline.我已经成功地使用 collectstatic 组合了我的Javascript文件并将它们存储在s3存储桶中,但是由于某种原因它们没有被压缩(通过查看文件,文件的大小和内容进行验证-编码).否则,生成的合并后的 scripts.js 不能正常工作.

I'm using django-pipeline with s3. I'm successfully using collectstatic to combined my Javascript files and store them in my s3 bucket, but they are not getting compressed for some reason (verified by looking at the file, its size, and its content-encoding). Otherwise things are working correctly with the combined scripts.js that is produced.


Here are the changes I made to use django-pipeline:

  1. 向已安装的应用添加了管道.
  2. STATICFILES_FINDERS 中添加了'pipeline.finders.PipelineFinder'.
  3. 设置 STATICFILES_STORAGE ='mysite.custom_storages.S3PipelineManifestStorage',其中此类在文档中定义,如下所示.
  4. 如下所示设置 PIPELINE_JS ,该方法有效,但未压缩.
  5. PIPELINE_ENABLED = True ,因为 DEBUG = True ,并且我在本地运行.
  6. PIPELINE_JS_COMPRESSOR ='pipeline.compressors.yuglify.YuglifyCompressor',即使这是默认设置.
  7. 通过 npm -g install yuglify 安装了Yuglify Compressor.
  8. PIPELINE_YUGLIFY_BINARY ='/usr/local/bin/yuglify',即使使用 env 的默认设置也可以.
  9. 使用有效的 {%负载管道%} {%javascript'script'%} .
  1. Added pipeline to installed apps.
  2. Added 'pipeline.finders.PipelineFinder' to STATICFILES_FINDERS.
  3. Set STATICFILES_STORAGE = 'mysite.custom_storages.S3PipelineManifestStorage' where this class is as defined in the documentation, as seen below.
  4. Set PIPELINE_JS as seen below, which works but just isn't compressed.
  5. PIPELINE_ENABLED = True since DEBUG = True and I'm running locally.
  6. PIPELINE_JS_COMPRESSOR = 'pipeline.compressors.yuglify.YuglifyCompressor' even though this should be default.
  7. Installed the Yuglify Compressor with npm -g install yuglify.
  8. PIPELINE_YUGLIFY_BINARY = '/usr/local/bin/yuglify' even though the default with env should work.
  9. Using the {% load pipeline %} and {% javascript 'scripts' %} which work.


    'scripts': {
        'source_filenames': (
        'output_filename': 'lib/scripts.js',

class S3PipelineManifestStorage(PipelineMixin, ManifestFilesMixin, S3BotoStorage):
    location = settings.STATICFILES_LOCATION

如前所述, collectstatic 确实会生成 scripts.js ,只是未压缩.该命令的输出包括:

As mentioned, collectstatic does produce scripts.js just not compressed. The output of that command includes:

Post-processed 'lib/scripts.js' as 'lib/scripts.js'

我正在使用Django 1.8,django-pipeline 1.5.2和django-storages 1.1.8.

I'm using Django 1.8, django-pipeline 1.5.2, and django-storages 1.1.8.



缺少的步骤是还要扩展 GZipMixin ,并且,它必须在父母列表中排在首位.

The missing step was to also extend GZipMixin, AND, it has to be first in the list of parents:

from pipeline.storage import GZIPMixin

class S3PipelineManifestStorage(GZIPMixin, PipelineMixin, ManifestFilesMixin, S3BotoStorage):
    location = settings.STATICFILES_LOCATION

现在 collectstatic 也会为每个文件生成.gz版本,但是我的模板仍未引用.gz版本.

Now collectstatic produces a .gz version of each file as well, but my templates still weren't referencing the .gz version.


To address this the author says:

我改编了一个例子,他提供了其他地方,它会覆盖 url 方法:

I adapted an example he provided elsewhere, which overrides the url method:

class S3PipelineManifestStorage(GZIPMixin, PipelineMixin, ManifestFilesMixin, S3BotoStorage):
    location = settings.STATICFILES_LOCATION

    def url(self, name, force=False):
        # Add *.css if you are compressing those as well.
        gzip_patterns = ("*.js",)
        url = super(GZIPMixin, self).url(name, force)
        if matches_patterns(name, gzip_patterns):
            return "{0}.gz".format(url)
        return url

这仍然无法处理设置 Content-Encoding 标头.

This still doesn't handle setting the Content-Encoding header.

一个更简单的选择是使用S3Boto存储选项 AWS_IS_GZIPPED ,该选项执行gzip压缩并设置适当的标头.

A simpler alternative is to use the S3Boto Storages option AWS_IS_GZIPPED which performs gzipping AND sets the appropriate header.


More is required to support clients without gzip, however.

Amazon上的以下说明也很有用:从S3 .

Also useful are these instructions from Amazon on serving compressed files from S3.


07-30 07:12