我有一个 9-10 个屏幕的应用.我将 UINavigationController
I have an app with 9-10 screens. I embedded a UINavigationController
into my view controller. I have few view controllers which I want set only portrait orientation: it means that rotating the device should not rotate these view controllers to landscape mode. I have tried the following solutions:
NSNumber *value = [NSNumber numberWithInt:UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait];
[[UIDevice currentDevice] setValue:value forKey:@"orientation"];
but screen still rotates to landscape.
第二:我创建了一个自定义视图控制器类作为 PortraitViewController
并在 PortraitViewController.m
Second:I created a custom view controller class as PortraitViewController
and added the code below in PortraitViewController.m
@interface PortraitViewController ()
@implementation PortraitViewController
- (BOOL)shouldAutorotate
return YES;
- (NSUInteger)supportedInterfaceOrientations
//Here check class name and then return type of orientation
return UIInterfaceOrientationMaskPortrait;
之后我将 PortraitViewController.h
After that I implemented PortraitViewController.h
as a base class
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import "PortraitViewController.h"
@interface Login : PortraitViewController
It does not work at all, still allows view controller to rotate in landscape mode.
还有其他我正在使用 iOS 8 的解决方案吗?不想让 viewcontroller 在横向模式下旋转?
Is there any other solution i am using iOS 8 & don't want viewcontroller to rotate in landscape mode?
Is it possible to have Landscape orientation only for some view controllers, and force other view controllers orientation to stick to Portrait?
尝试继承你正在使用的 UINavigationController
因为默认的 UINavigationController
不转发 视图控制器的 shouldAutorotate
Try to subclass the UINavigationController
you are using because the default UINavigationController
is not forwarding the shouldAutorotate
method to you viewcontroller.
在您的 UINavigationController
Implement the following method in your UINavigationController
- (BOOL)shouldAutorotate
return [self.visibleViewController shouldAutorotate];
现在 UINavigationController
将方法调用转发到它当前可见的 UIViewController
所以你需要单独实现 shouldAutorotate
Now the UINavigationController
forwards the method call to its current visible UIViewController
so you need to implement shouldAutorotate
there individually to get your desired effect.
这篇关于如何强制或禁用某些但不是所有 UIViewController 的界面方向?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!