本文介绍了将设备更新到iOS 11.2会破坏对Xcode 9.1的支持的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 29岁程序员,3月因学历无情被辞! 我尝试在运行iOS 11.2的设备上运行我的应用并收到以下错误:I tried to run my app on a device running iOS 11.2 and received the following error:这款iPhone 5s(型号A1457,A1518,A1528,A1530)运行iOS 11.2 (15C114),可能不会这个版本的Xcode支持。This iPhone 5s (Model A1457, A1518, A1528, A1530) is running iOS 11.2 (15C114), which may not be supported by this version of Xcode.我使用过iphone 5s(版本11.1.2),我想从中构建我的项目xcode 9.1(ios 11.1)。I have used iphone 5s(version 11.1.2) and I want to build my project from xcode 9.1(ios 11.1).推荐答案似乎苹果公司在没有发布Xcode 9.2的情况下向公众发布了iOS 11.2(Mac App Store在撰写本文时报告了9.1),其中包括针对运行iOS 11.2的设备所需的iOS 11.2 SDK。您应该可以使用Xcode 9.2 beta在您的设备上运行它,您可以从开发人员下载页面如果您有开发者帐户It seems that Apple released iOS 11.2 to the public without releasing Xcode 9.2 yet (the Mac App Store reports 9.1 as latest at the time of this writing), which includes the iOS 11.2 SDK necessary to target devices running iOS 11.2. You should be able to run this on your device with the Xcode 9.2 beta, which you can download from the developer download page if you have a developer account 编辑: Xcode 9.2现已公开发布,您可以从 Mac App Store Xcode 9.2 is publicly available now, and you can download it from the Mac App Store 这篇关于将设备更新到iOS 11.2会破坏对Xcode 9.1的支持的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
07-30 06:29