

我正在寻找一种方法来禁用在Unity Editor中附加我的MonoBehaviour组件的可能性.因此,我不希望我的组件出现在用户可见的任何地方.

I am looking of a way to disable the possibility of attaching my MonoBehaviour component in the Unity Editor.So I don't want my component to appear anywhere visible by the user.

原因是我使用AddComponent<T>()从脚本手动附加了此组件.因此,这是一个更方便的问题,我只是不想让用户认为他必须手动添加我的组件才能使我的插件正常工作. (即使他这样做,也不会造成任何麻烦.再次,这只是方便)

The reason is that I attach this component manually from a script with AddComponent<T>(). So this is more a convenience question, I just don't want the user to think he has to add my component manually in order for my plugin to work. (if he does anyway, that doesn't cause any trouble. Again, this is just convenience)


I am writing a library (dll plugin), so I cannot use the trick of naming the file differently from my component, but that is exactly the effect I'm looking for.


I also tried to simply put my class as internal because that's really what it is, the assembly should be the only one to have access to this component. However, I'm afraid inheriting from MonoBehaviour even with an internal class makes the component available in the editor...


The HideInInspector attribute doesn't seem to work on a class.

我正在使用 RuntimeInitializeOnLoadMethod(RuntimeInitializeLoadType.AfterSceneLoad) AddComponent >,所以我将没有其他行为可以依靠.

I am calling AddComponent from a static method with RuntimeInitializeOnLoadMethod(RuntimeInitializeLoadType.AfterSceneLoad) so I won't have any other behaviour to rely on.


Quite a challenge, if we find an answer, that would be luxury.Any idea? Thank you very much



A very simple solution is to make your class an inner class of some owner:

class NotAMonoBehaviour {
  class MyMonoBehaviour : MonoBehaviour {




And it will not show up in the inspector's Add Component list. Setting using the hide flags as suggested will also stop it from showing up in the inspector itself, although that can't be relied upon entirely, as you can open the Debug view in the inspector and still see hidden components.
