本文介绍了如何使用laravel Passport从API中注销用户的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我目前正在使用2个项目. 1个前端(通过laravel后端与API进行通信)和另一个laravel项目(API).

I'm currently using 2 projects. 1 front end (with laravel backend to communicate with API) and another laravel project (the API).

现在,我使用Laravel Passport对用户进行身份验证,并确保每个API调用都是授权调用.

Now I use Laravel Passport to authenticate users and to make sure every API call is an authorized call.

现在,当我想注销用户时,我向我的API发送一个发布请求(带有Bearer令牌),然后尝试从API中注销他(并清除会话,Cookie ...)

Now when I want to log out my user, I send a post request to my API (with Bearer token) and try to log him out of the API (and clear session, cookies,...)

然后在客户端上,我也刷新了会话,因此不再知道该令牌.现在,当我返回登录页面时,它将自动登录我的用户. (或者我的用户仍在登录).

Then on the client I also refresh my session so the token is no longer known. Now when I go back to the login page, it automatically logs in my user. (Or my user is just still logged in).


Can someone explain me how to properly log out a user with Laravel passport?




You need to delete the token from the database table oauth_access_tokensyou can do that by creating a new model like OauthAccessToken

  1. 运行命令php artisan make:model OauthAccessToken创建模型.

然后在User模型和新创建的OauthAccessToken模型之间创建一个关系,在User.php add中:

Then create a relation between the User model and the new created OauthAccessToken Model , in User.php add :

public function AauthAcessToken(){
    return $this->hasMany('\App\OauthAccessToken');

  • 在UserController.php中,创建一个用于注销的新函数:

  • in UserController.php , create a new function for logout:

    public function logoutApi()
        if (Auth::check()) {

  • 在api.php路由器中,创建新路由:

  • In api.php router , create new route :


  • 现在您可以通过调用发布到URL /api/logout
  • 来注销

  • Now you can logout by calling posting to URL /api/logout
  • 这篇关于如何使用laravel Passport从API中注销用户的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

    07-30 05:45