本文介绍了从公历转换为回历日期(Android Studio)时出错的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I am developing an app that needs Hijri Date, I used what was published here converting gregorian to hijri date .


It works for me but it gave wrong date for example when the Gregorian is 20/9/2016 it became 17/12/1437 IN Hijri, and that's wrong it should be 19/12/1437.




Regarding your conversion example, it seems to me you are looking for the Umalqura-variant of Hijri-calendar which is the official calendar of Saudi-Arabia.

您发布的SO-链接指的是 。该库不支持umalqura,但支持 Hijri-calendar的四个算法变体(仅适合作为近似值)。我已经测试了所有四个受支持的变体。

The SO-link you posted refers to Joda-Time. This library does not support umalqura but four algorithmic variants of Hijri-calendar (only suitable as approximation). I have tested all four supported variants. None is for you.

Chronology iso = ISOChronology.getInstanceUTC();
Chronology hijri =
    IslamicChronology.getInstance(DateTimeZone.UTC, IslamicChronology.LEAP_YEAR_INDIAN);
LocalDate todayIso = new LocalDate(2016, 9, 20, iso);
LocalDate todayHijri = new LocalDate(todayIso.toDateTimeAtStartOfDay(), hijri);
System.out.println("joda=" + todayHijri);
// LEAP_YEAR_15_BASED => 1437-12-16
// LEAP_YEAR_16_BASED => 1437-12-16
// LEAP_YEAR_HABASH_AL_HASIB => 1437-12-17
// LEAP_YEAR_INDIAN => 1437-12-17

如果您使用的是 Java-8 -平台,则可以使用以下解决方案。但是,如果您使用的是Android,并尝试使用反向端口ThreetenABP,则该操作将失败,因为其实现方式与Java-8不同:

If you are operating on Java-8-platform then you can use the following solution. However, if you are on Android and try to use the backport ThreetenABP then that will fail because its implementation deviates from Java-8:

HijrahDate hd = HijrahDate.from(LocalDate.of(2016, 9, 20));
System.out.println("java.time=" + hd); // Hijrah-umalqura AH 1437-12-19

如果您想要更多日历功能,例如其他变体或可变的开始时间(伊斯兰的开始时间是日落!),或者如果您在Android上运行,则可以使用我的库Time4J / A。 (或在Android上产生您想要的内容:

If you want more calendar features like other variants or variable start of day (islamic days start at sunset!) or if you are operating on Android then you can use my library Time4J/A. The HijriCalendar of Time4J (or Time4A on Android) yields what you want:

  PlainDate.of(2016, 9, 20)
    .transform(HijriCalendar.class, HijriCalendar.VARIANT_UMALQURA));
// AH-1437-12-19[islamic-umalqura]


Note that the last example is a conversion valid at noon time. When using evening as start of day then please consult the javadoc how to do that.



Other possible umalqura solutions with very different APIs on Android include

  • (Google似乎开始包含ICU4J)

  • (感谢OP的评论,该库支持月份名称使用阿拉伯语和英语两种语言)

  • Android developer preview 24 (Google seems to begin to include ICU4J)
  • Calendar-adaptation of msarhan (thanks to comment of OP, this library supports two languages arabic and english for month names)

这篇关于从公历转换为回历日期(Android Studio)时出错的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-01 21:59