



我正在使用Google Charts烛台图表,横向翻转,以模拟范围条形图。关于当前显示在最左边的行中的文本(TU300,TU-01,TU-10等) - 我希望它也显示(或者相反)立即显示在每个水平条的右侧,这样它可以更有效地标记每个条形。

I'm using a Google Charts Candlestick chart, flipped sideways, to emulate a range bar chart. Regarding the text that is currently displayed in the rows at the far left (TU300, TU-01, TU-10, etc.) -- I'd like it display also (or, instead) immediately to the right of each horizontal bar, so that it labels each bar more effectively.


I'm a novice, and would appreciate detailed help. Here's the JSFiddle:

  google.charts.load('current', {'packages':['corechart']});


  function drawChart() {

    var data = new google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([
      ['TU300', 438, 438, 447, 447],
      ['TU-01', null, null, null, null],
      ['TU-10', 436, 436, 445, 445],
      ['TU-12EX', 438, 438, 445, 445],
      ['TU-2', 438, 438, 445, 445],
          ['TU-3', 436, 436, 445, 445],
      ['TU-3s', 436, 436, 445, 445],
      [' TU-3w', 436, 436, 445, 445],
      ['NS Micro', 435, 435, 445, 445],
      ['NS Micro II', 410, 410, 480, 480],
      ['Universal II ', 435, 435, 445, 445],
    ], true);

    var options = {
      title: 'Calibration range',
            orientation: 'vertical', // Orients this chart horizontally
                backgroundColor: '#eaeaea',
         hAxis: {
        title: 'Hz',
        minValue: 300,
            maxValue: 600,
          gridlines: { color: '#999', count: 21 },
            minorGridlines: { color: '#e1e1e1', count: 4 },

    vAxis: {
      title: 'Models',

      bar: { groupWidth: '80%' }, // Space between bars
      candlestick: {
        fallingColor: { strokeWidth: 0, fill: '#a52714' }, // red
        risingColor: { strokeWidth: 0, fill: '#0f9d58' }   // green

    var chart = new google.visualization.CandlestickChart(document.getElementById('chart_div'));
    chart.draw(data, options);



You can always extend manually the candlestick that doesn't seem to support annotations in their api with some good old JavaScript and CSS.

基本上抓住所有的棍子,使用 getBoundingClientRect api,并将绝对div附加到你的图表中各个位置取决于他们注释的棒。

Basically grab all the sticks, get their position and width using the getBoundingClientRect api, and append absolute divs to your chart with their respective positions depending on the stick they are annotating.

var bars = document.querySelectorAll('#chart_div svg > g:nth-child(5) > g')[0].lastChild.children
for (var i = 0 ; i < bars.length ; i++) {
  var bar = bars[i]
  var { top, left, width } = bar.getBoundingClientRect()
  var hint = document.createElement('div')
  hint.style.top = top + 'px'
  hint.style.left = left + width + 5 + 'px'
  hint.innerText = rawData.filter(t => t[1])[i][0]

我做了一个有效的JsFiddle你可以在这里结帐。您可能想要禁用 vAxis ,因为它现在有点重复。

I've made a working JsFiddle you can checkout here. You might want to disable your vAxis given it's a bit repetitive now.


07-30 05:19