



I'm trying to add some custom points on a Gantt charts. But I don't see any official way to do that.
Any one know how I can make this ?


I tried to add some point like triangle below




there are no standard options to add custom points,
but we can manually add on the chart's 'ready' event.


函数 addMarker

see following working snippet,
function addMarker will add a triangle to the chart.


pass arguments for row label and date for point placement, e.g.

addMarker('Find sources', new Date(2019, 0, 3));
addMarker('Outline paper', new Date(2019, 0, 5, 12));
addMarker('Write paper', new Date(2019, 0, 8));
google.charts.load('current', {
}).then(function () {
  var container = document.getElementById('gantt');
  var chart = new google.visualization.Gantt(container);

  var dataTable = new google.visualization.DataTable();
  dataTable.addColumn('string', 'Task ID');
  dataTable.addColumn('string', 'Task Name');
  dataTable.addColumn('string', 'Resource');
  dataTable.addColumn('date', 'Start Date');
  dataTable.addColumn('date', 'End Date');
  dataTable.addColumn('number', 'Duration');
  dataTable.addColumn('number', 'Percent Complete');
  dataTable.addColumn('string', 'Dependencies');
    ['Research', 'Find sources', null, new Date(2019, 0, 1), new Date(2019, 0, 5), null,  100,  null],
    ['Write', 'Write paper', 'write', null, new Date(2019, 0, 9), daysToMilliseconds(3), 25, 'Research,Outline'],
    ['Cite', 'Create bibliography', 'write', null, new Date(2019, 0, 7), daysToMilliseconds(1), 20, 'Research'],
    ['Complete', 'Hand in paper', 'complete', null, new Date(2019, 0, 10), daysToMilliseconds(1), 0, 'Cite,Write'],
    ['Outline', 'Outline paper', 'write', null, new Date(2019, 0, 6), daysToMilliseconds(1), 100, 'Research']

  var dateRangeStart = dataTable.getColumnRange(3);
  var dateRangeEnd = dataTable.getColumnRange(4);
  var formatDate = new google.visualization.DateFormat({
    pattern: 'MM/dd/yyyy'
  var rowHeight = 45;

  var options = {
    height: ((dataTable.getNumberOfRows() * rowHeight) + rowHeight),
    gantt: {
      criticalPathEnabled: true,
      criticalPathStyle: {
        stroke: '#e64a19',
        strokeWidth: 5

  function daysToMilliseconds(days) {
    return days * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;

  function drawChart() {
    chart.draw(dataTable, options);

  function addMarker(markerRow, markerDate) {
    var baseline;
    var baselineBounds;
    var chartElements;
    var marker;
    var markerSpan;
    var rowLabel;
    var svg;
    var svgNS;
    var gantt;
    var ganttUnit;
    var ganttWidth;
    var timespan;
    var xCoord;
    var yCoord;

    // initialize chart elements
    baseline = null;
    gantt = null;
    rowLabel = null;
    svg = null;
    svgNS = null;
    chartElements = container.getElementsByTagName('svg');
    if (chartElements.length > 0) {
      svg = chartElements[0];
      svgNS = svg.namespaceURI;
    chartElements = container.getElementsByTagName('rect');
    if (chartElements.length > 0) {
      gantt = chartElements[0];
    chartElements = container.getElementsByTagName('path');
    if (chartElements.length > 0) {
      Array.prototype.forEach.call(chartElements, function(path) {
        if ((baseline === null) && (path.getAttribute('fill') !== 'none')) {
          baseline = path;
    chartElements = container.getElementsByTagName('text');
    if (chartElements.length > 0) {
      Array.prototype.forEach.call(chartElements, function(label) {
        if (label.textContent === markerRow) {
          rowLabel = label;
    if ((svg === null) || (gantt === null) || (baseline === null) || (rowLabel === null) ||
        (markerDate.getTime() < dateRangeStart.min.getTime()) ||
        (markerDate.getTime() > dateRangeEnd.max.getTime())) {

    // calculate placement
    ganttWidth = parseFloat(gantt.getAttribute('width'));
    baselineBounds = baseline.getBBox();
    timespan = dateRangeEnd.max.getTime() - dateRangeStart.min.getTime();
    ganttUnit = (ganttWidth - baselineBounds.x) / timespan;
    markerSpan = markerDate.getTime() - dateRangeStart.min.getTime();

    // add marker
    marker = document.createElementNS(svgNS, 'polygon');
    marker.setAttribute('fill', 'transparent');
    marker.setAttribute('stroke', '#ffeb3b');
    marker.setAttribute('stroke-width', '3');
    xCoord = (baselineBounds.x + (ganttUnit * markerSpan) - 4);
    yCoord = parseFloat(rowLabel.getAttribute('y'));
    marker.setAttribute('points', xCoord + ',' + (yCoord - 10) + ' ' + (xCoord - 5) + ',' + yCoord + ' ' + (xCoord + 5) + ',' + yCoord);
    svg.insertBefore(marker, rowLabel.parentNode);

  google.visualization.events.addListener(chart, 'ready', function () {
    // add marker for current date
    addMarker('Find sources', new Date(2019, 0, 3));
    addMarker('Outline paper', new Date(2019, 0, 5, 12));
    addMarker('Write paper', new Date(2019, 0, 8));

  window.addEventListener('resize', drawChart, false);
<script src="https://www.gstatic.com/charts/loader.js"></script>
<div id="gantt"></div>



addMarker 函数的底部,

见该行对于-> marker.setAttribute('points',...

the size of the marker is specified in the 'points' attribute of the polygon element.
at the bottom of the addMarker function,
see the line for --> marker.setAttribute('points', ...



注意:添加四组x, y坐标会添加一个矩形标记。

the value of 'points' should be three sets of x,y coordinates.
top, left, & right respectively.
note: adding four sets of x,y coordinates would add a rectangle marker.

变量 xCoord & yCoord 是标记应放置的位置的x,y坐标,应该是标记的中心。


top = xCoord +','+(yCoord-10)

left = ( xCoord-5)+','+ yCoord

right = (xCoord + 5)+','+ yCoord

the variables xCoord & yCoord are the calculated x,y coordinates of where the marker should be placed, and should be the center of the marker.
as such, in order to draw the triangle...
top = xCoord + ',' + (yCoord - 10)
left = (xCoord - 5) + ',' + yCoord
right = (xCoord + 5) + ',' + yCoord


我们更改了对变量 xCoord 的修饰符& yCoord

in summary, in order to change the size of the marker,
we change the modifiers made to the variables xCoord & yCoord



top = xCoor d +','+(yCoord-5)

left = (xCoord-2.5)+','+ yCoord

右边= (xCoord + 2.5)+','+ yCoord

to reduce the size of the marker by half,
we would change the coordinates as follows...
top = xCoord + ',' + (yCoord - 5)
left = (xCoord - 2.5) + ',' + yCoord
right = (xCoord + 2.5) + ',' + yCoord


marker.setAttribute('points', xCoord + ',' + (yCoord - 5) + ' ' + (xCoord - 2.5) + ',' + yCoord + ' ' + (xCoord + 2.5) + ',' + yCoord);


07-30 05:09