本文介绍了如何在没有密钥的情况下实现SQL外连接的 pandas 等效的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



In SQL, you can join two tables without a key so that all records of both tables merge with each other. If pandas.concat() or pandas.merge() or some other pandas syntax supported this, it could help me with one step of a problem I am trying to solve. I found an outer join option on the help documentation, but I could not find an exact syntax to do what I wanted (join all records without a key).


To explain this a little better:

import pandas as pd

lunchmenupairs2 = [["pizza", "italian"],["lasagna", "italian"],["orange", "fruit"]]
teamcuisinepreferences2 = [["ian", "*"]]

lunchLabels = ["Food", "Type"]
teamLabels = ["Person", "Type"]

df1 = pd.DataFrame.from_records(lunchmenupairs2, columns=lunchLabels)
df2 = pd.DataFrame.from_records(teamcuisinepreferences2, columns=teamLabels)



      Food     Type
0    pizza  italian
1  lasagna  italian
2   orange    fruit

  Person     Type
0    ian        *


I want the final result of the merge to be:

  Person     Type Food     Type
0  ian        *   pizza     italian
1  ian        *   lasagna   italian
2  ian        *   orange    fruit


Then I can easily drop the columns I don't want and move to the next step in the code I am working on. This doesn't work:

merged_data = pd.merge(left=df2,right=df1, how='outer')


Is there a way to do this type of DataFrame merging?



You can add a column to both dfs with a constant value,

>>>df1['joincol'] = 1
>>>df2['joincol'] = 1
>>>pd.merge(left=df2,right=df1, on='joincol', how='outer')
  Person Type_x  joincol     Food   Type_y
0    ian      *        1    pizza  italian
1    ian      *        1  lasagna  italian
2    ian      *        1   orange    fruit


then delete it afterward when you remove your other undesired columns.

这篇关于如何在没有密钥的情况下实现SQL外连接的 pandas 等效的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-15 12:15