

本文介绍了如何在 MATLAB 中可视化此处所示的体积数据?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



My question very simply: I have a bunch of matricies, all stacked up on each other, so that I have a volume of data. I want to visualize this data, as this example image shows below:


It seems to me that some degree of transparency is needed, perhaps linked to the value of each voxel. That is, the higher the value, the less 'transparent' the voxel is to things behind it. I am not sure how to even start with this.


Here is some simple code that makes my data volume, so all I would like now is to try and visualize it.

clear all

%Make the random volume
mat = rand(50,50,100);

%Place high values in particular parts of the volume
sigCoors.rows = [23:33];
sigCoors.columns = [40:45];
sigCoors.time = [55:85];
mat(sigCoors.rows, sigCoors.columns, sigCoors.time) = 10.*rand(length(sigCoors.rows),   length(sigCoors.columns), length(sigCoors.time));

%Visualize the volume:
% ?


That is basically it. How may I go about visualizing this data as above, or perhaps something similar? Thank you.


我强烈建议浏览 MATLAB文件交换.他们有许多用户贡献的 3D 体积可视化工具.

I strongly recommend to browse the MATLAB FileExchange. They have many user-contributed 3D volume visualization tools.

我个人在一段时间前使用了 Volume Render(注意已知错误:更改与功能颜色映射消耗大量内存).来自同一作者的 较新版本 似乎更复杂(我还没有使用它).Sliceomatic 对您来说可能也很有趣.

Personally I used the Volume Render some time ago (beware of known bug: changes with function colormap consume large amount of memory). Newer version from the same author seems more sophisticated (I did not use it yet). Sliceomatic may be also interesting for you.

只是一个旁注.我还在 MATLAB 中进行了我的第一个 3D 可视化.但很快我意识到 MATLAB 在大型复杂数据集的 3D 体积可视化方面不够强大.虽然我仍然在 MATLAB 中处理我的数据,但对于 3D 体积可视化我使用 Voreen(你需要一个好的 GPU 卡运行它,检查它的系统要求).

Just a side note. I also did my first 3D visualization in MATLAB. But quite soon I realized that MATLAB is not strong enough in 3D volume visualization for big and complex data sets.Although I still process my data in MATLAB but for 3D volume visualization I use Voreen (you'll need a good GPU card for it to run, check its System Requirements).

这篇关于如何在 MATLAB 中可视化此处所示的体积数据?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-30 05:03