本文介绍了如何在地图上使用 vis.js的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在尝试使用 vis.js 构建网络可视化并将其显示在地图上(类似于 Gephi 中的地理布局).您是否碰巧知道是否已经存在可以实现这样的目标?(如果你有建议,我什至不需要使用 vis.js)

I am trying to build a network visualization with vis.js and display it on a map (similar to Geo-layout in Gephi). Do you happen to know if something already exists to achieve such goal? (I don't even need to use vis.js if you have suggestions)

到目前为止,我尝试/考虑过使用 mapbox,但我放弃了使用真实地图的想法,因为事实证明它相当复杂.

So far I tried/thought of using mapbox but I abandoned the idea of a real map because it it turning out to be fairly complex.


I downgraded expectation to doing the following:

  • 完成:在背景中有一张地图图像,并有一些我可以通过调整 x 和 y 位置手动定位的大节点


  • 让小节点像强制布局一样自动落到位.


The problem is that I need to disable physics if i need to manually set some positions... this of course stops the smaller nodes from being automatically positioned.


any hints on how to achieve this?




I ended doing the following, in options set the layout and physics. (for some reason, improved layout has to be false, it was a lucky guess)

layout: {  improvedLayout: false }

physics: { enabled: true}

为节点设置一个名为 fixed 的属性:

For the node, set a property called fixed:

fixed: { x: true , y: true }


{id: 1,  value: 2,  label: 'xx' , x: 320, y:170 ,  fixed: { x: true , y: true } }

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07-30 05:02