http://www.iarcs.org.in/ inoi /竞赛/ oct2005 /高级-2.PHP
The problem basically is about graphs. You are given a graph with up to 70 nodes, and an adjacency matrix which tells how many edges exist between two nodes. Each edge is bidirectional.
Now the question asks you to find out the number of distinct paths OF A FIXED LENGTH N between any two nodes N1 and N2. The path can have repetitions. I.e., the path can go through an already included node.
The naivest algo is to run a breadth first search and check how many N2 appear in the Nth layer with the BFS tree rooted at N1. But this wont work.
解决这个问题很简单 - 提高邻接矩阵的N次方,答案将在小区坐( N1,N2)
对于每对N1和N2 - 。基本图论
The solution to this problem is simple - raise the adjacency matrix to the N-th power and the answer will sit in the cell (N1, N2)
for each pair N1 and N2 - basic graph theory.
You can also make use of binary exponentiation of the matrix to compute the answer faster.
To understand why does the above algorithm work, try to write down the first few steps of the exponentiation. You will notice that on each iteration the matrix holds the paths with a given fixed length going from 1 to N. If you write down how is a cell computed when performing matrix mutliplication you should see also why does it happen so.
NOTE: there is also a really cool hack on how do you compute all paths with length up to a fixed length -simply add a "loop" at the start vertex thus making it accessible from itself.