

我想使用GetCaretPos()Win32 Api来获取TextBox的插入符的位置(即使它是不可见的),如果TextBox只有1行,它似乎工作正常。但它拥有的线越多,插入符号的Y坐标(从GetCaretPos()获得)就越不同。




I want to use GetCaretPos() Win32 Api to get the position of the caret of a TextBox (even when it''s invisble), it seems to work OK if the TextBox has only 1 line. But the more lines it has, the more different the Y-coordinate of the caret (which is got from GetCaretPos()) is.
The Y-coordinate of the caret getting from GetCaretPos() is always great than the actual Y-coordinate of the caret (the more lines the TextBox has, the greater it is).

Could you please give me any solution for this?

Here is the code:

private extern static int GetCaretPos(out Point p);
private extern static int SetCaretPos(int x, int y);
private extern static bool ShowCaret(IntPtr hwnd);
private extern static int CreateCaret(IntPtr hwnd, IntPtr hBitmap, int width, int height);
//Suppose I have a TextBox with a few lines already input.
//And I'll make it invisible to hide the real caret, create a new caret and set its position to see how the difference between them is.

private void TestCaret(){
   textBox1.Visible = false;//textBox1 is the only Control on the Form and has been focused.
   CreateCaret(Handle, IntPtr.Zero, 2, 20);
   Point p;
   GetCaretPos(out p);//Retrieve Location of the real caret (calculated in textBox1's coordinates)
   SetCaretPos(p.X + textBox1.Left, p.Y + textBox1.Top);




As I said, anywhere the textBox1 is on the Form, when it''s invisible, calling the method above will show a faked caret at the exact position of the real (hidden) caret, it works OK when textBox1 has only 1 line, but ... (I mentioned above).

Your help would be highly appreciated... Thanks!



tbx.Click += new EventHandler(WhereIsTheCaret_Click);

private void WhereIsTheCaret_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
  Point p;
  GetCaretPos(out p);
  Debug.Print("Caret {0}, Index {1} IndexPos {2}",
    p, tbx.SelectionStart, tbx.GetPositionFromCharIndex(tbx.SelectionStart));



Wherever I click in a multiline TextBox the value of the Point obtained either from GetCaretPos or from the Selection are the same.



07-30 04:45