


I try to read values from a texture and write them back to global memory.I am sure the writing part works, beause I can put constant values in the kernel and I can see them in the output:

__global__ void
bartureKernel( float* g_odata, int width, int height)
    unsigned int x = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
    unsigned int y = blockIdx.y*blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;

    if(x < width && y < height) {
            unsigned int idx = (y*width + x);
            g_odata[idx] = tex2D(texGrad, (float)x, (float)y).x;



The texture I want to use is a 2D float texture with two channels, so I defined it as:

texture<float2, 2, cudaReadModeElementType> texGrad;


And the code which calls the kernel initializes the texture with some constant non-zero values:

float* d_data_grad = NULL;

cudaMalloc((void**) &d_data_grad, gradientSize * sizeof(float));

texGrad.addressMode[0] = cudaAddressModeClamp;
texGrad.addressMode[1] = cudaAddressModeClamp;
texGrad.filterMode = cudaFilterModeLinear;
texGrad.normalized = false;

cudaMemset(d_data_grad, 50, gradientSize * sizeof(float));

cudaBindTexture(NULL, texGrad, d_data_grad, cudaCreateChannelDesc<float2>(), gradientSize * sizeof(float));

float* d_data_barture = NULL;
cudaMalloc((void**) &d_data_barture, outputSize * sizeof(float));

dim3 dimBlock(8, 8, 1);
dim3 dimGrid( ((width-1) / dimBlock.x)+1, ((height-1) / dimBlock.y)+1, 1);

bartureKernel<<< dimGrid, dimBlock, 0 >>>( d_data_barture, width, height);


I know, setting the texture bytes to all "50" doesn't make much sense in the context of floats, but it should at least give me some non-zero values to read.


I can only read zeros though...


正在使用 cudaBindTexture 来你的纹理绑定到被分配的内存 cudaMalloc 。在内核使用的是 tex2D 函数读取纹理值。这就是为什么它是阅读零。

You are using cudaBindTexture to bind your texture to the memory allocated by cudaMalloc. In the kernel you are using tex2D function to read values from the texture. That is why it is reading zeros.

如果您绑定的质感,使用 cudaBindTexture ,它是使用 tex1Dfetch 在内核中读取线性内存。

If you bind texture to linear memory using cudaBindTexture, it is read using tex1Dfetch inside the kernel.

tex2D 仅用于从那些被绑定到纹理读间距线性内存(这是由分配使用cud​​aMallocPitch )使用功能 cudaBindTexture2D ,或者那些被绑定为 cudaArray 使用功能 cudaBindTextureToArray

tex2D is used to read only from those textures which are bound to pitch linear memory ( which is allocated by cudaMallocPitch ) using the function cudaBindTexture2D, or those textures which are bound to cudaArray using the function cudaBindTextureToArray


Here is the basic table, rest you can read from the programming guide:

存储器类型 ----------------- 分配使用 ------------ ----- 绑定使用 ------------ 读取内核通过

Memory Type----------------- Allocated Using-----------------Bound Using-----------------------Read In The Kernel By


Linear Memory...................cudaMalloc........................cudaBindTexture.............................tex1Dfetch


Pitch Linear Memory.........cudaMallocPitch.............cudaBindTexture2D........................tex2D

cudaArray............................<$c$c>cudaMallocArray.............<$c$c>cudaBindTextureToArray.............<$c$c>tex1D tex2D

cudaArray............................cudaMallocArray.............cudaBindTextureToArray.............tex1D or tex2D

3D cudaArray......................<$c$c>cudaMalloc3DArray........<$c$c>cudaBindTextureToArray.............<$c$c>tex3D

3D cudaArray......................cudaMalloc3DArray........cudaBindTextureToArray.............tex3D


07-30 04:22