


I am using spring-data-mongodb and I want to use a cursor for an aggregate operation.

MongoTemplate.stream()获取查询,因此我尝试创建Aggregation实例,并使用 Aggregation.toDbObject()将其转换为 DbObject ,使用 DbObject 创建了 BasicQuery ,然后调用 stream()方法.

MongoTemplate.stream() gets a Query, so I tried creating the Aggregation instance, convert it to a DbObject using Aggregation.toDbObject(), created a BasicQuery using the DbObject and then invoke the stream() method.
This returns an empty cursor.

调试spring-data-mongodb代码显示 MongoTemplate.stream()使用 FindOperation ,这使我认为spring-data-mongodb不支持流式传输聚合操作.

Debugging the spring-data-mongodb code shows that MongoTemplate.stream() uses the FindOperation, which makes me thinkspring-data-mongodb does not support streaming an aggregation operation.
Has anyone been able to stream the results of an aggregate query using spring-data-mongodb?

出于记录,我可以使用Java mongodb驱动程序来实现,但是我更喜欢使用spring-data.

For the record, I can do it using the Java mongodb driver, but I prefer using spring-data.


EDIT Nov 10th - adding sample code:

    MatchOperation match = Aggregation.match(Criteria.where("type").ne("AType"));
    GroupOperation group = Aggregation.group("name", "type");
    group = group.push("color").as("colors");
    group = group.push("size").as("sizes");
    TypedAggregation<MyClass> agg = Aggregation.newAggregation(MyClass.class, Arrays.asList(match, group));

    MongoConverter converter = mongoTemplate.getConverter();
    MappingContext<? extends MongoPersistentEntity<?>, MongoPersistentProperty> mappingContext = converter.getMappingContext();
    QueryMapper queryMapper = new QueryMapper(converter);
    AggregationOperationContext context = new TypeBasedAggregationOperationContext(MyClass.class, mappingContext, queryMapper);
    // create a BasicQuery to be used in the stream() method by converting the Aggregation to a DbObject
    BasicQuery query = new BasicQuery(agg.toDbObject("myClass", context));

    // spring-mongo attributes the stream() method to find() operationsm not to aggregate() operations so the stream returns an empty cursor
    CloseableIterator<MyClass> iter = mongoTemplate.stream(query, MyClass.class);

    // this is an empty cursor
    while(iter.hasNext()) {


The following code, not using the stream() method, returns the expected non-empty result of the aggregation:

    AggregationResults<HashMap> result = mongoTemplate.aggregate(agg, "myClass", HashMap.class);



For those who are still trying to find the answer to this:

从spring-data-mongo版本2.0.0.M4开始( AFAIK ),MongoTemplate获得了aggregateStream方法.

From spring-data-mongo version 2.0.0.M4 onwards (AFAIK) MongoTemplate got an aggregateStream method.


So you can do the following:

 AggregationOptions aggregationOptions = Aggregation.newAggregationOptions()
        // this is very important: if you do not set the batch size, you'll get all the objects at once and you might run out of memory if the returning data set is too large

    data = mongoTemplate.aggregateStream(Aggregation.newAggregation(
            Aggregation.group("person_id").count().as("count")).withOptions(aggregationOptions), collectionName, YourClazz.class);


07-30 03:31