


What is the story behind XPath and support for namespaces? Did XPath as a specification precede namespaces? If I have a document where elements have been given a default namespace:

<foo xmlns="uri" />

看来好像有些XPath处理库将无法识别 //富命名空间,而其他的,因为会。我们小组已将想过的选择是使用常规的前pressions的XPath来增加一个命名空间的preFIX(你可以添加通过XmlNameTable一个名称空间preFIX),但由于XPath是这样一种灵活的语言,这似乎脆当涉及到节点测试。

It appears as though some of the XPath processor libraries won't recognize //foo because of the namespace whereas others will. The option my team has thought about is to add a namespace prefix using regular expressions to the XPath (you can add a namespace prefix via XmlNameTable) but this seems brittle since XPath is such a flexible language when it comes to node tests.


我的做法是一个有点hackish但似乎很好地工作;我删除的xmlns 声明用查找/替换,然后应用的XPath。

My approach is a bit hackish but it seems to work fine; I remove the xmlns declaration with a search/replace and then apply XPath.

string readyForXpath = Regex.Replace(xmldocument, "xmlns=\".+\"", String.Empty );


Is that a fair approach or has anyone solved this differently?



I tried something similar to what palehorse proposed and could not get it to work. Since I was getting data from a published service I couldn't change the xml. I ended up using XmlDocument and XmlNamespaceManager like so:

XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
XmlNamespaceManager nSpace = new XmlNamespaceManager(doc.NameTable);
nSpace.AddNamespace("myNs", "http://theirUri");

XmlNodeList nodes = doc.SelectNodes("//myNs:NodesIWant",nSpace);


07-30 03:28