


I am attempting to troubleshoot an intermittent failure that appears to be related to removing an object from a HashMap and then putting that same object back using a new key. My HashMap is created as follows:

transactions = new HashMap<Short, TransactionBase>();


The code that does the re-assignment is as follows:

transaction.tran_no = generate_transaction_id();
transactions.put(transaction.tran_no, transaction);


The intermittent behaviour that I am seeing is that code that executes immediately after this that depends upon the transaction object being locatable does not appear to find the transaction object using the new transaction id. However, at some future point, the transaction can be located. So pulling at straws, is there any sort of asynchronous effect to put() or remove that can cause this sort of behaviour?


I should mention that, to the best of my knowledge, the container is being accessed by only one thread. I have already read in he documentation that class HashMap is not "synchronised".



There are no "asynchronous" effects in the HashMap class. As soon as you put something in there, it's there. You should double- and triple- check to make sure that there are no threading issues.


The only other thing I can think of is that you're making a copy of the HashMap somewhere. The copy obviously won't be affected by you adding stuff into the original, or vice versa.


07-30 02:48