假设你有一个 List 的数字。 List 中的值可以是整数, Double >等。当你声明这样一个 List 时,可以使用通配符(?)或者没有通配符。最终列表< Number> numberList = Arrays.asList(1,2,3D);
最终列表< ;?扩展Number> wildcardList = Arrays.asList(1,2,3D);
所以,现在我想要 stream over将 List 和 collect 全部转换为 Map Collectors.toMap (显然下面的代码仅仅是一个例子来说明问题)。让我们开始流式传输 numberList :
final List< Number> numberList = Arrays.asList(1,2,3D,4D);
//这里我可以调用number.intValue() - 对象(数字)被视为一个数字
number - > Integer.valueOf(number.intValue()),
number - > number));
但是,我无法对 wildcardList :
final List< ;?扩展Number> wildCardList = Arrays.asList(1,2,3D);
number - > Integer.valueOf(number。 intValue()),
number - > number));
编译器抱怨调用 number.intValue()$
符号:方法intValue ()
从编译器错误显然lambda中的 number 被视为 Object ,而不是作为 Number 。
- 当收集 List 的通配符版本,为什么它不像 List的非通配符版本一样工作?
- 为什么lambda中的数字变量被认为是 Object 而不是号码?
List< ;?扩展Number> wildCardList = Arrays.asList(1,2,3D);
wildCardList.stream()。collect(Collectors。< Number,Integer,Number> toMap(
number - > Integer.valueOf(number.intValue()),
number - > ;数字));
这是一个已知的javac错误:。根据Maurizio Cimadamore的说法,这个状态是,bb
$ b
From the compiler error it is obvious that the number in the lambda is treated as an Object instead of as a Number.
So, now to my question(s):
- When collecting the wildcard version of the List, why is it not working like the non-wildcard version of the List?
- Why is the number variable in the lambda considered to be an Object instead of a Number?
It's the type inference that doesn't get it right. If you provide the type argument explicitly it works as expected:
List<? extends Number> wildCardList = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3D); wildCardList.stream().collect(Collectors.<Number, Integer, Number>toMap( number -> Integer.valueOf(number.intValue()), number -> number));
This is a known javac bug: Inference should not map capture variables to their upper bounds. The status, according to Maurizio Cimadamore,
Apparently the fix has not yet been pushed. (Thanks to Joel Borggrén-Franck for pointing me in the right direction.)
这篇关于Java 8 Streams:为什么Collectors.toMap的行为与使用通配符的泛型不同?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!