


I have a MySQL Database of about 1.7GB. I usually back it up using mysqldump and this takes about 2 minutes. However, I would like to know the answers to the following questions:

  1. mysqldump是否阻止对数据库的读取和/或写入操作?因为在实际情况下,我不想阻止用户在备份数据库时使用它.

  1. Does mysqldump block read and/or write operations to the database? Because in a live scenario, I would not want to block users from using the database while it is being backed up.


It would be ideal for me to only backup the WHOLE database once in, say, a week, but in the intermediate days only one table needs to be backed up as the others won't change. Is there a way to achieve this?


Is mysqlhotcopy a better alternative for these purposes?


  1. 否,您可以使用--lock-tables指定要锁定的表,但默认情况下不是这样
  2. 如果未指定任何表,则将备份整个数据库,或者可以指定表列表:

  1. No, you can specify tables to be locked using --lock-tables but they aren't by default
  2. If you don't specify any tables then the whole DB is backed up, or you can specify a list of tables :

mysqldump [选项] db_name [表]

mysqldump [options] db_name [tables]


Not used it sorry, however I run a number of MySQL DBs, some bigger some smaller than 1.7gb and I use mysqldump for all my backups.


08-13 23:12