本文介绍了Swift - 获取具有相同名称但参数不同的函数的引用的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


  class Toto {
func toto (){println(f1)}
func toto(aString:String){println(f2)}

var aToto:Toto =
var f1 = aToto.dynamicType.toto

我有以下错误: toto的含糊使用



  let f1 = aToto.toto as() - > void 
let f2 = aToto.toto as(String) - >无效



  let f1:() - > Void = aToto.toto 
let f2:String - > Void = aToto.toto

如果您需要将类的实例作为$ b $的curried函数b第一个参数,然后

  let cf1:Toto  - > () - > Void = aToto.dynamicType.toto 
让cf2:Toto - > (字符串) - > Void = aToto.dynamicType.toto


I'm trying to get a reference to a function like so :

class Toto {
    func toto() { println("f1") }
    func toto(aString: String) { println("f2") }

var aToto: Toto = Toto()
var f1 = aToto.dynamicType.toto

I have the following error : Ambiguous use of toto

How do I get function with specified parameters ?


Since Toto has two methods with the same name but different signatures,you have to specify which one you want:

let f1 = aToto.toto as () -> Void
let f2 = aToto.toto as (String) -> Void

f1()         // Output: f1
f2("foo")    // Output: f2

Alternatively (as @Antonio correctly noted):

let f1: () -> Void     = aToto.toto
let f2: String -> Void = aToto.toto

If you need the curried functions taking an instance of the class asthe first argument thenyou can proceed in the same way, only the signature is different(compare @Antonios comment to your question):

let cf1: Toto -> () -> Void       = aToto.dynamicType.toto
let cf2: Toto -> (String) -> Void = aToto.dynamicType.toto

cf1(aToto)()         // Output: f1
cf2(aToto)("bar")    // Output: f2

这篇关于Swift - 获取具有相同名称但参数不同的函数的引用的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-30 02:14