本文介绍了std :: string作为map键和map.find()的效率的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个 std :: map< std :: string,foo> ,需要经常 find()元素,而不是 std :: string 时,我有一个 const char * 。但是, map.find( key_value)不起作用,我需要一个 std :: string 。因此,我需要 map.find(std :: string { key_value}),但这将创建一个临时的 std :: string (及其分配和取消分配),这可能会导致效率低下。这个推理正确吗?如果是,我该如何改善情况?

I have a std::map<std::string,foo> and need to frequently find() elements when instead of a std::string, I have a const char*. However, map.find("key_value") won't work, I need a std::string. So, I would need to map.find(std::string{"key_value"}), but this will create a temporary std::string (with its allocation and de-allocation) each time, making this potentially inefficient. Is this reasoning correct? If yes, how can I improve the situation?

我曾考虑过在 const char * 周围使用包装器,地图的键,它具有自己的比较功能,可以廉价地包装在任何 const char * 周围,无需分配。这是一个好主意吗? (请注意,我的映射值不可复制,只能移动)。

I was think about using a wrapper around const char* as key for the map which has its own comparison function and can be cheaply wrapped around any const char*, no need for allocations. Is this a good idea? (note that my mapped values are not copyable, only movable).



仍然,使用 unordered_map 可能会产生更好的索引性能。

You can avoid the temporaries by using 0-terminated strings and a custom comparator for the map.
Still, using an unordered_map would likely yield better indexing performance.


实际上已经有 std :: reference_wrapper

An alternative (much better), is using a wrapper, just as you think.
There is actually already std::reference_wrapper for that task.



Still, the first rule of optimisation: Do not do it.
The second rule: Do not do it.
The third rule (only for experts): After measurement and careful consideration, you might do it anyway.


The only downside is: You must manually manage the lifetimes of your strings.


If you are going down that road anyway, and you do not free any string until you free them all, consider using your own custom allocator.

这篇关于std :: string作为map键和map.find()的效率的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-03 10:30