

我正在尝试在Ubuntu 16.04中使用共享内存IPC处理错误.首先,我使用df -h在/dev/shm中检查了可用内存,具有500M可用空间,因此我快速编写了一些代码,以检查如果尝试创建大于安装大小的共享内存,会发生什么情况.代码如下(它已经被修改了好几次,所以我知道它不是很整洁):

I am trying to handle errors using shared memory IPC in a Ubuntu 16.04.First, I checked the available memory in /dev/shm using df -h, having 500M availables, so I coded something quickly in order to check what happens if I try to create a shared mem bigger than the mounted size. The code is the following (it has been modified several times so I know that is not very tidy):

#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/shm.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <cstring>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <cerrno>

//static const size_t size = 4000000L;
static const size_t size = 701000000L;
//static const size_t size = 999999999L;

extern int errno;

static int open(const char* name, int oflag, mode_t mode)
   int shm = -1;

   /* Create/Open a shared memory zone */
    shm = shm_open(name, oflag, mode);
    if(shm == -1)
    {/* Print error */
        std::cout << "!!!Error getting file descriptor while opening!!!" << std::endl;
        std::cout << "ERROR:"<< strerror(errno) << std::endl;
   return shm;

static void write_shm(void *addr, size_t size)
    size_t i = 0;
    uint32_t *shm_index = (uint32_t *)addr;

    /* 4 bytes to be written in memory */
    const char *test = "DEAD";

    /* Maximum allowed memory address*/
    ptrdiff_t max = (size+(ptrdiff_t)addr);

    for (i = 0; (ptrdiff_t)(shm_index + i) < max; i++)
        std:memcpy(&shm_index[i], (uint32_t*)test, sizeof(uint32_t));
static int adjust (int fd, size_t size)
     std::cout<<__func__<<": The size of the shared memory is: "<<size<< std::endl;
     int result = ftruncate(fd, size);
     std::cout<<__func__<< "ftruncate return: " <<result<< std::endl;
     errno = 0;
     std::cout << "errno: "<< std::strerror(errno) <<std::endl;
     if (result)
     {/* Print error */;
        std::cout << "FUNCION!!!Error in ftruncate!!!" << std::endl;
     return result;

int main()
    const char *name = "vardb";
    int fd = -1;
    int oflag = O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_RDWR;
    mode_t mode = S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO; // POSIX 1003.1 (Realtime Extensions)
    size_t sizeToUse = (size/sizeof(uint32_t)* sizeof(uint32_t));

    /* Let's try to get a file descriptor related to the shared memory*/
    fd = open(name, oflag, mode);
    if (fd == -1)
        return fd;

    /* Adjust the size of the shared memory to the expected one */
    int result = adjust(fd, sizeToUse);
    if (result)
        return -1;

    int prot = PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE;
    int flags = MAP_SHARED;

    /* Map the memory */
    void *addr = mmap(NULL, size, prot, flags, fd, 0);
    std::cout<<__func__<< "mmap return: " <<*(int *)addr<< std::endl;
    std::cout<<__func__<< "mmap mapped to this address: " <<addr<< std::endl;
    errno = 0;
    std::cout << "mmap errno: "<< std::strerror(errno) <<std::endl;

    struct stat fileStat;
    if(fstat(fd, &fileStat) < 0)
        return 1;

    std::cout<<__func__<< "File Size: " <<fileStat.st_size<<" bytes"<<std::endl;

    /* Write all the shared memory previously reserved for the test */
    write_shm(addr, sizeToUse);

    /* Release the memory */
    munmap(addr, size);

    return 0;


I do not unlink the shared mem in order to hexdump it, so this requires to remove it manually before relaunching the program.


Well, what I am issuing is that I do not get any error while I am creating a bigger shared mem than the /dev/shm mounted size... Obviously, I get a Bus Error as I try to write out of the available range of memory but I need to control the creation of the shared memory... I cannot understand how the system let me create something like this without reporting me any error.





简短(且不令人满意的答案):如果/dev/shm上的空间不足,则不能强制shm_open失败. (您可以使用setrlimit来修改RLIMIT_FSIZE来显式设置进程文件大小限制,以强制其失败,但这是全局设置,不适用于单个文件系统,因此几乎可以肯定这不是您想要的.)

The short (and unsatisfying answer): you can't force shm_open to fail if there is insufficient space on /dev/shm. (You can force it to fail by explicitly setting the process filesize limit using setrlimit to modify RLIMIT_FSIZE, but that's a global setting not applicable to a single filesystem, so it is almost certainly not what you want it to do.)


When Posix standardised shared memory, various implementation options were considered and an attempt was made to allow considerable flexibility to implementations as long as it did not complicate the interface. In particular, many Unix implementations already had mechanisms for mapping file objects directly to process memory, and for memory-based filesystems, a combination ideally suited to the implementation of shared memory:

特别地,……以上要求不排除:使用实际文件系统上的实际文件来实现可共享存储对象." ( Posix原理:共享内存对象).尽管我不相信Linux库会这样做,但Posix甚至允许shm_open()被实现为包装普通open()调用的宏.对于仅将共享内存映射到文件系统的实现(例如Linux),不需要对 ftruncate() 系统界面.

In particular, "…the above requirements do not preclude: [t]he sharable memory object from being implemented using actual files on an actual file system." (Posix rationale: Shared memory objects). Although I don't believe the Linux library does this, Posix even allows shm_open() to be implemented as a macro wrapping an ordinary open() call; in the case of implementations (like Linux) which simply map shared memory onto the filesystem, nothing requires special handling of the ftruncate() system interface.


It's important to highlight one aspect of the ftruncate() call (emphasis added):

许多文件系统允许稀疏文件".在稀疏文件中,完全填充零的文件块不会直接映射到物理存储;如果应用程序读取这些块之一,则会收到零页.如果修改了一个块并将其提交到磁盘,则文件系统(并且仅在此之后)才为该块分配存储. [注1]

Many filesystems allow for "sparse files". In a sparse file, file blocks entirely filled with zeros are simply not mapped onto physical storage; if an application reads one of these blocks, it receives a page of zeros. If a block is modified and committed to disk, then -- and only then -- does the filesystem allocate storage for the block. [Note 1]


Lazy allocation of zero-filled blocks means that in the case where ftruncate() is expanding a file, it only needs to update the file's metadata, allowing it to return very rapidly. Unless the desired size exceeds the process's file size limit (or the filesystem limit in the case of filesystems which don't use large enough integer types for file sizes), no error will be produced by ftruncate(). The error will occur when it becomes impossible to allocate physical storage (or a dedicate memory buffer, in the case of a memory-mapped file).

这完全与Linux乐观的内存分配方法一致:mmap总是成功(只要地址空间可用),并且仅在实际使用内存时才指出错误. (但是这种共享内存实现的特定方法并不限于使用乐观内存分配的方法.)

This is entirely consistent with Linux's optimistic approach to memory allocation: mmap always succeeds (as long as address space is available) and the error is only noted when the memory is actually used. (But this particular approach to shared memory implementation is not limited to those using optimistic memory allocation.)

  1. 我曾经通过在软盘上存储2GB的文件来演示这一点,但我想今天很多读者甚至都不知道软盘是什么,而实际容量却更少.


09-01 21:57