


I have a class A, which has a nested class B. Class A, will create n(run time parameter) instances of class B.


In the constructor of A, after computations that need to be made at run time, I compute a size, let's say s.


Now, every class B, will hold an array of size s.


However, I am not allowed to use .cpp files and all the work must be done in header files.


This means, as far as I understand, that I can not use these approach (with static):

class B {

static const int s;
int a[s];


所以,我决定用枚举,但我不能使它工作(甚至与枚举类 C ++的11)。

So, I decided to use enum, but I couldn't make it work (even with enum class of C++11).The idea is that you do something like:

class B {

enum { s = 50 };
int a[s];



当然,我可以用的std ::矢量去动态分配



1)I need only the functionality of the old good arrays (discards vector)


2)I know before constructing the instances of B, the size of the array (discards dynamic allocation)

关于的std ::的DynArray 讨论如下:

可惜不是 C ++ 14 ,而在阵列TS C + +17

Unfortunately not in C++14, but in array TS or C++17.Source, credits to manlio.


Discard is however a heavy word. I mean, I have heard that automatic allocation is faster, but dynamic allocation lets you allocate more space. Moreover, vectors, in the release mode, are doing not that bad in comparison with the arrays.


有偶数,但具有不同的尺寸相同的元素类型两个数组不同的类型。因此,例如的char [10] 的char [11] 是不同的类型。同样的方式,如果两个类都与这两个类则类定义了不同类型和大小不同(我指的sizeof操作符)之间的不同类型的成员。你也可以不实例化一个不完整的类型的对象。

Two arrays having even the same element type but with different sizes are different types. So for example char[10] and char[11] are different types. The same way if two classes have a member with a type that differs between these two classes then the classes define different types and have different sizes (I mean operator sizeof). Also you may not instantiate an object of an incomplete type.

如果你的编译器支持类的std ::的DynArray 我会建议使用它。否则,你可以使用类的std ::矢量

If your compiler supports class std::dynarray I would advice to use it. Otherwise you can use class std::vector


08-21 20:01