


I have an abstract type and several types which inherit from him. Now I need to make an array of instances of those inherited types, but I'm not sure, if it's even possible in Fortran.


I've tried to make some wrapper type, like in Creating heterogeneous arrays in Fortran.

module m
implicit none

type, abstract :: a
    integer, public :: num
end type a

type, extends(a) :: b
end type b

type, extends(a) :: c
end type c

type :: container
    class(*), allocatable :: ptr
end type
end module m

program mwe
use m

type(b) :: b_obj
class(*), allocatable :: a_arr(:)

b_obj = b(1)

allocate(container :: a_arr(3))
a_arr(1) = container(b_obj)

end program mwe


But I'm getting this error:


 a_arr(1) = container(b_obj)
Error: Can't convert TYPE(b) to CLASS(*) at (1)


What am I doing wrong? Or is there any other, correct way to do it?


I edited the code accordingly to francescalus's answer:

program mwe
use m

type(b) :: b_obj
type(c) :: c_obj
type(container), allocatable :: a_arr(:)
integer :: i

b_obj = b(1)
c_obj = c(2)

allocate(container :: a_arr(3))
a_arr(1)%ptr = b(1)
a_arr(2)%ptr = c(3)
a_arr(3)%ptr = c(1000)

do i=1,3
    write(*,*) a_arr(i)%ptr%num
end do

end program mwe



     write(*,*) a_arr(i)%ptr%num
Error: ‘num’ at (1) is not a member of the ‘__class__STAR_a’ structure


作为IanH 进行了评论在概述您采用的方法时,应使用gfortran的当前版本

As IanH commented when outlining the approach you take, the then current version of gfortran


container(b_obj) is such a thing. So, leaving aside whether you are still coming up against this problem, one may be interested in still allowing older versions/other compilers to use the code.


An alternative approach is not to use a constructor for the element of your container. Instead the single component can feature directly in an assignment:

use m
type(container) a_arr(3)  ! Not polymorphic...
a_arr%ptr = b(1)          ! ... so it has component ptr in its declared type
end mwe


type :: container
    class(a), allocatable :: ptr
end type


do i=1,3
    write(*,*) a_arr(i)%ptr%num
end do


because num is a component of the declared type of a_arr(i)%ptr (that is., a). In general, it isn't the complete solution because

do i=1,3
    write(*,*) a_arr(i)%ptr%num_of_type_b
end do

不起作用(对于num_of_type_b扩展类型的组件).在这里,您必须使用通常的技巧(定义的输入/输出,动态分辨率,select type等).这些超出了此答案的范围,可能会发现许多其他问题.

wouldn't work (with num_of_type_b a component in the extending type). Here you have to use the usual tricks (defined input/output, dynamic resolution, select type and so on). Those are beyond the scope of this answer and many other questions may be found covering them.


07-30 02:05