邮箱地址: jacob at jacob point remcomp point fr PS我也做埃菲尔铁塔:-) - jacob navia jacob at jacob point remcomp point fr logiciels / informatique http:// www。 cs.virginia.edu/~lcc-win32 是吗?是否有外部要求扩展语言 是C?如果没有,那么你可以使扩展语言为 解析并构建自己的小编译器相对简单。 - 我们每天都工作,包括星期天,直到晚上至少十点钟。我记得这是一个事件,当我们在圣诞节晚上8点退出工作时,为了参加一个家庭聚会,这是一个活动。 - 哈利戴维森(Harley of Harley) -Davidson)Would it? Is there an external requirement that the extension languagebe C? If not, then you could make the extension language somethingcomparatively simple to parse and build your own tiny compiler for it.--"We worked every day, Sunday included, until at least teno''clock at night. I remember it was an event when we quit workon Christmas night at eight o''clock to attend a family reunion."-- Walter Davidson (of Harley-Davidson) 我假设用tiny -c你的意思是tinycc。如果是这样,它也可用于 Windows。I assume by tiny-c you mean tinycc. If so, it is also available forWindows. 这篇关于非常小的C编译器,可以生成DLL文件?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!