In reading about how to avoid json hijacking I've come across various methods including POSTing everything or prepending responses so they are not valid JavaScript.
要prePEND最常见的方式似乎是将 {}&放大器;&安培;
在你的对象或数组的前面。 prepending与)]}',\\ n
The most common way to prepend seems to be to add {} &&
in front of your object or array. Angular suggests prepending with )]}',\n
为什么不棱角使用更标准的 {}&放大器;&安培;
Why does angular not use the more standard {} &&
approach? Is one not totally secure? Is one more difficult to use in JavaScript? Angular aside, is there a good reason for taking the less popular approach?
任何被解析为一个JavaScript对象或数组将prevent JSON劫持的这个方法。
Anything that stops the JSON response being parsed as a JavaScript object or array will prevent this method of JSON Hijacking.
不过,由于的状态,它是不是真的,因为Firefox 3中的一个问题。
However, as this answer states, it is not really an issue since Firefox 3.
谷歌使用这类攻击的不可解析[克鲁夫特]保卫自身。应该注意的是,这个漏洞已得到修复在Firefox 3中,并且此漏洞的浏览器如何刺穿了JSON规范出现了。
At the time of writing Google appear to prepend )]}'
to their responses from Gmail.
这篇关于)]}',\\ n"&QUOT之间的差异;和" {}&放大器;&安培;"避免JSON劫持的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!