

我正在尝试获取SQL中字符串的长度(使用Firebird 2.x +版本).每当我选择一个字符串的长度时,它都会给我该字符串的实际分配的最大长度,而不是获取记录中记录了多少个字符的长度,如您在此处看到的:

I'm trying to get the length of a string in SQL (using Firebird version 2.x+).Whenever I select the length of a string it gives me the actual assigned maximum length of that string as opposed to getting the length of how many of the characters are taken in a record, as you can see here:


as you can imagine, this does not help me, as I can't order by the length, since I'm trying to order by an attribute that has a constant length assigned.


How would I achieve what I am trying to achieve? That is: getting the length of how many characters are taken in a string.


针对 字符长度 :

这样做的原因是 char 值用空格填充到声明的长度,因此从本质上讲,它们是声明的长度.

The reasons for this is that char values are padded with spaces to the declared length, so in essence they are of the declared length.


In other words you need to use:

char_length(trim(trailing from imeprodajalca))


08-19 15:17