

我正在尝试使用VirtualAllocEx().当我将dwSize(第三个参数)设置为大于约63 MB的数字时,当我查看GetLastError()时,它将导致生成错误代码487.但是,它可以使用较小的大小,例如4MB.

I'm trying to use VirtualAllocEx(). When I set dwSize (the third parameter) to a number larger than about 63 MB, it cause to generate error code 487 when I look at GetLastError(). However, it works with smaller sizes such as 4MB.


Here is part of my code:

               MEM_RESERVE | MEM_COMMIT,

在我使用4MB EXE文件的情况下,LPVOID返回值是0x00400000,但是在其他情况下(20MB或更大文件)它将返回0x00000000.

In the case that I used a 4MB EXE file, the LPVOID return value is 0x00400000, but in other cases (20MB or bigger file) it returns 0x00000000.

  1. dwSize参数是否有最大值?


Is there any other solution for my problem, such as another function?



My guess from your code is that you're trying to load a DLL or EXE into memory manually using something like this technique - is that right? I'll address this at the end (pun intended) but first a quick explanation of why VirtualAllocEx is failing.

在特定地址分配内存的问题是,该地址需要有足够的空间来分配您请求的内存大小.这就是为什么通常在您请求内存时让操作系统决定将其放置在何处的原因. (另外,让OS/malloc库决定还可以带来其他好处,例如减少碎片等-超出了此答案的范围.)

The problem with allocating memory at a specific address is that there needs to be enough room at that address to allocate the memory size you request. This is why, generally, when you request memory you let the OS decide where to put it. (Plus letting the OS / malloc library decide can lead to other benefits, such as decreased fragmentation etc - out of scope for this answer.)

您遇到的问题不是VirtualAllocEx无法分配64MB而不是4MB. VirtualAllocEx可以(几乎)分配所需的内存.问题在于,在您指定的地址中,在您的过程中没有64MB的未分配内存.

The problem you're getting is not that VirtualAllocEx is incapable of allocating 64MB rather than 4MB. VirtualAllocEx can allocate (nearly) as much memory as you want it to. The problem is that at the address you specify, in your process, there isn't 64MB of unallocated memory.


Consider hypothetical addresses 0-15 (0x0 - 0xF), where - marks empty memory and x marks allocated memory:

0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  A  B  C  D  E  F
x  x  -  x  -  -  -  -  x  -  -  -  -  -  -  -


This is your process's memory space. Now, you want to allocate 4 bytes at address 0x4. Easy - 0x4 to 0x7 are free, so you allocate and get (new allocation marked with X):

0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  A  B  C  D  E  F
x  x  -  x  X  X  X  X  x  -  -  -  -  -  -  -


Fantastic. But now suppose that instead you wanted to allocate 6 bytes. There aren't six free bytes at address 0x4: there's some memory being used at 0x8:

0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  A  B  C  D  E  F
x  x  -  x  -  -  -  -  x  -  -  -  -  -  -  -
            1  2  3  4  bang!


You can't do it. The problem isn't that the memory allocator can't handle allocating 6 bytes, but that the memory isn't free for it to do it. Nor, most likely, can it shuffle the memory around - in a normal non-GC program you can't move memory to make space, because you might, say, leave dangling pointers which don't know the contents of the memory they were pointing at has changed address. The only thing to do is either fail and not allocate memory at all, or allocate where it has free space, say at 0x9 or 0xA.

您可能想知道为什么VirtualAllocEx出现ERROR_INVALID_ADDRESS而不是NULL失败:最可能的原因是,您指定了无法分配的地址.因此,即使该地址(可能)上有一些可用内存,也仍然不够,并且该地址无效. 文档中对此有所提示:

You might wonder why VirtualAllocEx is failing with ERROR_INVALID_ADDRESS instead of NULL: most likely, it is because you specified an address it couldn't allocate at; thus, even though there is some free memory at that address (maybe) there isn't enough and the address isn't valid. This is hinted at in the documentation:

这完全不是您的情况:您要同时指定两个标志,但是如果该方法无法保留,则实际上会陷入这种情况.它不能在该地址保留整个范围 ,因此它给出错误代码ERROR_INVALID_ADDRESS.

This isn't quite your situation: you're specifying both flags at once, but if the method can't reserve then it effectively falls into this situation. It can't reserve the entire range at that address, so it gives error code ERROR_INVALID_ADDRESS.


So, what should you do with your problem, which I am guessing from your question and code is loading a DLL or EXE image in memory?


Here you need a bit of background on image locations in an EXE file. Generally, an EXE is loaded into memory at the process's virtual address location 0x400000. It's optional: your linker can ask it be put wherever, but this value is common. Similarly, DLLs have a common default location: 0x10000000. So, for one EXE and one DLL, you're fine: the image loader can almost certainly load them at their requested locations.


What happens when you have two DLLs, both asking to be located at 0x10000000?


The answer is image rebasing. The image location is optional, it's not necessary. Code inside the image that depends on being loaded at a specific address can be adjusted by the image loader, and so the second DLL might be loaded not at 0x10000000, but somewhere else - say, 0x1080000. That's an address difference of 0x80000, and so the loader actually patches up a bunch of addresses and code inside the DLL so all the bits that thought they should refer to 0x10000000 now refer to 0x10800000.

这是非常非常普遍的情况,每次加载EXE时,都会对多个DLL执行此操作. Microsoft拥有一个名为 rebase (对于重新设置",即调整基址),并在其中分发EXE和您自己的DLL时,可以使用此方法来确保每个DLL具有不同的基址,并且每个基址都已定位,以便在Windows加载时您的EXE和DLL它们将已经具有正确的地址,并且不太可能必须对它们中的任何一个进行变基处理(执行上述操作).对于某些应用程序,这可以显着缩短启动时间. (在Windows的现代版本中,有时DLL仍然会四处移动-这是地址空间布局随机化 ,这是一种安全技术,可确保每次运行时代码都位于不同的地址.)

This is really, really common, and every time you load an EXE this will be done to several DLLs. It is so common that Microsoft have a little optimisation tool called rebase, (for "rebasing", that is, adjusting the base address) and when you distribute your EXE and your own DLLs with it, you can use this to make sure each DLL has a different base address, each of which is located so that when Windows loads your EXE and the DLLs they will already have the right addresses and it is unlikely to have to rebase - perform the above operation - on any of them. For some applications this can make a noticeable improvement in starting time. (In modern versions of Windows, sometimes DLLs are moved around anyway - this is for address space layout randomization, a security technique to deliberately make sure code is not at the same address each time it's run.)


(One other thing is that some DLL and EXE compression tools strip out the data that is used for this relocation. That's fine, because it makes the EXE smaller... right up until it needs to be relocated, and because the data is missing it can't, and so can't be loaded at all. Or you can build with a fixed base, and it will magically work right until it doesn't. Don't do this to your EXEs or DLLs.)

因此,当您尝试将DLL手动加载到内存中时,如果它要求加载的地址处没有足够的空间,该怎么办?容易-这不是致命错误,只需将其加载到其他位置,然后自己执行重新基准即可.我建议如果您有问题要问一个新的SO问题,但是要给您一个起点,您可以使用 RebaseImage 函数,或者如果您不能使用它或想自己动手,我发现此代码从快速的概述看来似乎是手动执行的.不能保证其正确性.

So, what should you do when you try to manually load a DLL into memory, and there isn't enough space for it at the address it asks to be loaded at? Easy - it's not a fatal error, just load it somewhere else, and then perform the rebasing yourself. I would suggest if you have problems to ask a new SO question, but to give you a starting point you can use the RebaseImage function, or if you can't use it or want to do it yourself, I found this code which from a quick overview seems to perform this manually. No guarantees about its correctness.


Your process address space doesn't have 64MB of empty space at the address you specify, so you can't allocate 64MB of memory there. Instead, allocate it somewhere else and patch / rebase your loaded DLL or EXE image to match the new address.


07-30 01:29