

我正在使用Xamarin for Android,并且正在使用支持库.该项目工作正常,但是将支持存储库从23.1.1.1更新为23.3.0后,Resource.Designer.cs损坏了.

I'm using Xamarin for Android and I'm using the support libraries. The project work fine, but after updating the support repositories from to 23.3.0, the Resource.Designer.cs is broken.

注意:我确实删除了文件,我通过手动删除objbin文件夹进行了完整的重建,并确保我的所有Android软件包都是最新的(Android SDK Manager).

Note: I did delete the file, I did a complete rebuild with manually deleting the obj and bin folders and I made shure all of my Android packages are up to date (Android SDK Manager).

这些错误都是public static void UpdateIdValues()函数的一部分,基本上基本上都是这样的:

The errors are all part of the public static void UpdateIdValues() function all basically all look like this:

'Resource.Color' does not contain a definition for 'design_textinput_error_color'


global::Acr.UserDialogs.Resource.Color.design_textinput_error_color = global::EVM.Droid.Resource.Color.design_textinput_error_color;


Any Idea, where this error is coming from and how to fix it? Thanks for your help.


同一问题,在Visual Studio社区2015中,这似乎是一个版本问题,这是一个古老的资源定义,现在已被_dark和_light取代.在解决此刻,我已经添加了缺失值,将其从黑暗版本中复制出来.似乎Xamarin包含一些旧版本(例如API 22),而不是最新版本(API 23)Flavio

Same issue, with visual studio comunity 2015, it seems to be a version problem, this was an old resorce definition, that now has been substituted with _dark and _light. At the moment to solve I've added the missed values copying them from the dark version. Seems that Xamarin includes some old version (e.g API 22) instead of the latest one (API 23)Flavio

找到另一个快速解决方案,从.droid项目的nuGet软件包管理器中删除所有已安装的软件包,然后添加与xamarin相关的最新可用版本(我已经在用户电源外壳程序中从nuget页面的依序依次添加它们xamarin https://www.nuget.org/packages/Xamarin.Forms/)构建所有...这就是窍门!

Find another quick solution, from nuGet package manager of the .droid project remove ALL the installed packages, then add the latest available release of xamarin related (I've user power shell adding them one by one in order of dependency from the nuget page of xamarin https://www.nuget.org/packages/Xamarin.Forms/)Build all...and this does the trick!


07-30 01:09