本文介绍了jQuery Excel导出问题的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有一些来自JQGrid的数据应该导出到excel.因此,我们编写了一个Java Servlet,将数据写入excel并将其发送回.在客户端,我们通过发送JSON数据来使用AJAX JSONP请求.我能够找到该servlet,然后将servlet将创建的excel发送回客户端.但是我无法从客户端看到excel或任何形式的输出.

I have some data from JQGrid that should be exported to excel. So, we have written a java servlet to write the data to excel and send it back. From the client side we are using an AJAX JSONP request by sending JSON data. I am able to hit the servlet and servlet sending the created excel back to the client. But i am not able to see excel or any kind of output from client side.


When i use the Fiddler and observed the http calls, i found that application received the result. but still it is not showing the result.


Here is my result header, that i have received.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=PistonData.xls
Content-Type: application/vnd.ms-excel
Content-Length: 6144
Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2012 08:49:04 GMT


How to open this result as Excel using JQuery? Can somebody please suggest me a way to fix this issue.

更新#1 忘记包含请求

        type: "POST",
        dataType: "jsonp",
        url: "http://devmachine:9010/axis/SPSServlet",
        data: param,
        success: function (dataToSend) {

更新#2 根据Oleg的建议,我为这个问题找到了解决方案.

Update #2As per Oleg's suggestions i worked out a solution for this problem.


    <form id="frmExcelExport" style="display:none;">
       <input type=hidden id="partId" name="partId" />
       <input type=hidden id="columnNames" name="columnNames" />
       <input type=hidden id="data" name="data" />


var urlForExport = "http://devmachine:9010/axis/SPSServlet";
$('#frmExcelExport').attr("method", "post");
$('#frmExcelExport').attr("action", urlForExport);

,而且效果很好.多谢Oleg !!!

and it is working very good.Thanks a bunch to Oleg!!!!


我认为如果使用HTTP POST,则无法打开Excel.起作用的方法是使用HTTP GET并对URL中所需的参数进行编码:

I think that you can't open Excel if you use HTTP POST. The way which will work is to use HTTP GET and encode parameters which you need in the URL:

window.location = "http://devmachine:9010/axis/StdPartSearchServlet?" +
    $.param({someParamName: "someValue", anotherParam: 123});


In the way the web browser will opens the returned data as PistonData.xls specified in Content-Disposition header with respect of the application registered for application/vnd.ms-excel (see Content-Type header). See the answer for more details.

如果需要防止不受控制地缓存从服务器返回的XLS数据,我建议您设置其他HTTP标头"Cache-Control: max-age=0"或更好的"Cache-Control: private, max-age=0",以防止在不重新验证HTTP代理的情况下进行缓存.请参见此处此处 a>有关其他信息.

If you need to prevent uncontrolled caching of the XLS data returned from the server I would recommend you to set additional HTTP header "Cache-Control: max-age=0" or better "Cache-Control: private, max-age=0" to prevent caching without re-validation on the HTTP proxy. See here, here for additional information.

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07-30 00:47