我已经在我的 PC 上完成了一个 React Native 应用程序,它使用 Android Studio 模拟器运行良好,但是我现在需要在我的 Mac 上使用 Xcode 创建一个 api 文件.
I have completed a React Native app on my PC which works fine using Android Studio emulators however I now need to create an api file using Xcode on my mac.
我对 Xcode 或创建 api 文件的经验绝对为零.请告知如何执行此操作或至少在哪里找到解决方案.我已经在我的 mac 上安装了 Xcode,当我打开它时,我得到了一堆创建新项目的选项,但是,我的应用程序已经完成了.
I have absolutely ZERO experience with Xcode or creating api files. Please advise how to do this or at least where to find the solution. I have installed Xcode on my mac and when I open it I get a bunch of options to create a new project, however, my app is already finished.
所以我想要做的就是以某种方式将我完成的 React Native 应用程序导入到 Xcode 中,以便生成 api 文件.这可能吗,以前有人这样做过吗?您能否提供一些有关如何执行此操作的建议或资源链接?
So all I want to be able to do is somehow import my finished react native app into Xcode in order to generate the api file. Is this possible, has anyone done it this way before? Can you please offer some advice or links to sources on how to do this?
你的意思是一个 ipa 文件.很简单.
You mean an ipa file. It is easy.
- 使用 xcode 在 react-native 应用程序中打开 ios 文件夹中的 xcodeproj 文件.
- Open the xcodeproj file inside ios folder in your react-native application using xcode.
Now check if you have included your provision certificate inside.
现在产品 -> 目的地 -> 选择通用 iOS 设备.
Now Product -> Destination -> Select Generic iOS Device.
Select Archive. After archive is finished you will see the following screen.
如果您的配置证书仅用于开发导出开发 ipa 文件.
If your provisioning certificate is only for development export development ipa file.
在这之后只是针对空气云优化 ipa.您可以跳过将存档文件夹导出到目标位置的步骤.
After this is just about optimising ipa for air cloud. You can skip that export the archive folder to your destination location.
这篇关于在 PC 上完成 React Native 项目,现在我想在我的 mac 上使用 XCode 为苹果商店创建和 api 文件,我该怎么做的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!