

本文介绍了在不访问官方存储库的情况下安装 Ruby Gems的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我在办公室使用代理脚本连接到互联网.结果我的命令提示符 (Win XP) 无法连接,我只能使用浏览器.

I'm connected to the internet using a proxy script in my office. As a result mycommand prompt (Win XP) doesn't connect and I can access net only using thebrowser.

是否有一些我可以手动安装一些我需要的 ruby​​ gem - 无需使用

Is there some I can install some ruby gems that I need manually - without using

gem install 'abc'

或者有什么方法可以让我的命令提示符连接到互联网.虽然我的 IE 设置确实使用脚本,但我仍然无法让 CMD 连接.

Or is there a way I can get my command prompt to connect to the internet.Although my IE settings do use the script, I still cant get the CMD to connect.


我在狭窄的环境中工作时遇到了同样的问题.一个不错的解决方法是下载您对 USB 记忆棒感兴趣的 gem,然后手动安装.

I had the same problem when working on a confined environment. A nice workaround is to download the gem that you are interested in a usb stick and then install it manually.

这是您可以找到所有可用红宝石宝石的网站.Ruby gems 下载.找到您感兴趣的并下载它.

This is the website where you can find all available ruby gems. Ruby gems download. Find the one you are interested and download it.

然后将 gem 移动到您选择的目录中,然后从命令提示符 cd 进入该目录.我正在使用 C:/ruby193/bin/pony-1.4.gem

Then move the gem in a directory of your choice and cd into that from the command prompt.I am using C:/ruby193/bin/pony-1.4.gem

假设我们感兴趣的 gem 是 pony gem (smtp email).

Let's say that the gem we are interested in is the pony gem (smtp email).

只需输入 gem install pony-1.4.gem


and you should get it installed manually unless you have a restricted acc with not adequate administrative privileges.

这篇关于在不访问官方存储库的情况下安装 Ruby Gems的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-30 00:32