本文介绍了将数据库移至生产服务器需要什么版本的SQL Server?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我刚刚完成了在本地Windows XP计算机上开发ASP.NET的工作.我使用Visual Studio 2008和SQL Server Express开发该网站.

I have just finished developing an ASP.NET on my local Windows XP machine. I used Visual Studio 2008 and SQL Server express to develop the site.

我的问题是,现在我想将SQL Server数据库从XP计算机移到生产服务器.

My problem is that now I would like to move the SQL Server database from my XP machine to my production server.

我一直在阅读SQL Server Express无法导出我的数据库.这样对吗?导出SQL Server Express数据库以便将其部署在生产服务器上的最佳方法是什么.

I have been reading that SQL Server express cannot export my database. Is this correct?What would be the best way to export my SQL Server Express database so that I can deploy it on my production server.

IE我需要下载并安装完整版本的SQL Server吗?如果是这样,什么版本是最好的.

IE Do I need to download and install the full blown version of SQL Server? If so what version would be best.


This is very frustating as I have added informaton already to the database and I do no twant to loose all this information if possible.


Any help would be greatly appreciated...


SQL Server Express对此很好,因为它使用与较昂贵版本相同的本机文件格式.您所需要做的就是分离db文件,将其复制到生产环境,将生产服务器附加到复制的文件,您就很好了……好吧,大多数情况下都很好.这不会涵盖某些内容,例如登录或维护作业,但是所有数据,存储过程和索引都将存在.

SQL Server Express will be just fine for this- it uses the same native file format as the more-expensive editions. All you need to do is detach the db file, copy it to production, attach the production server to the copied file, and you're good... well, mostly good. This won't cover certain things, like logins or maintenance jobs, but all the data, stored procedures, and indexes will be there.

SQL Server Express将不会执行的操作是将数据库导出为csv之类的格式.甚至那也不是完全正确的.只是Express Management Studio缺少此功能:IIRC如果将完整版本的sql Server Management Studio连接到Express Server db,则可以使用导出功能.

What SQL Server Express will not do is export your database into a format like csv. And even that's not entirely true. It's just the express management studio that lacks the capability: IIRC if you connect the full edition of the sql server management studio to an express server db you can use the Export features.

更进一步,如果您真的需要从Management Studio Express导出数据,您仍然可以设置查询窗口以将查询结果保存到文件并编写一组导出查询.

Going a step further, if you really need to export data from management studio express you can still just set the query window to save query results to file and write a set of export queries.

这篇关于将数据库移至生产服务器需要什么版本的SQL Server?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-30 00:18