本文介绍了更改 Azure 数据库端口的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


是否可以更改 azure 服务器使用的端口?我目前只看到添加可用于访问服务器的 IP 地址的功能.或者是否要求防火墙允许端口 1433 出站流量?

Is it possible to change the port that the azure server uses? I currently only see the ability to add IP addresses that can be used to access the server. Or is it required that firewalls allow port 1433 outbound traffic?


假设您指的是 SQL 数据库服务及其关联的防火墙,否:您只能向防火墙添加 IP 地址,以便访问.

Assuming you're referring to SQL Database Service and its associated firewall, no: You may only add IP addresses to the firewall, for access.

无法更改服务侦听的端口.如果要远程访问数据库,则需要允许端口 1433 上的出站流量.

There is no ability to change the port that the service listens on. You'll need to allow for outbound traffic on port 1433, if you want to access the database remotely.

另外,仅供参考 - 端口 1433 是标准的 SQL Server 端口.

Also, just FYI - port 1433 is the standard SQL Server port.

注意:无法更改侦听端口仅限于 SQL 数据库服务.在 VM 中运行的 SQL Server 不存在此限制,因为您可以通过网络安全组完全控制入站端口和相关端口映射.

Note: The inability to change the listening port is strictly for the SQL Database service. This restriction doesn't exist for SQL Server running in a VM, since you have total control of inbound ports and related port-mapping via network security groups.

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09-06 00:35