Our system needs to store tiff images of about 3k each in size. We received about 300 at a time, and need to process them pretty quickly. Later, once we have received say around 100,000 of these, there are transferred off to another archival system or purged.
将图像存储在SQL Server或文件系统中我们更好的性能(特别是对于初始保存,后来的归档关闭性能较低)?是否有任何其他注意事项或问题需要注意?
Would storing the images in SQL Server or the file system give us better performance (especially for the initial save, the later archiving off is less performance critical)? Are there any other considerations or gotchas to be aware of?
将图像存储在文件系统中将为您提供更好的性能。您只需要在tiff图像附件的相关数据库表中放入一个条目 - 并使用它来获取文件系统上的图像路径。
Storing the images in the filesystem will give you better performance. You just need to put an entry into a relevant database table for the tiff image attachments - and use that to get the path of the image on the filesystem.
您可能希望通过在Web服务器上托管图像来进一步提高性能 - IIS(如果相关)并让您的客户端应用程序(如果相关)再次直接检索它们相反。
You might want to further boost performance by hosting the images on a web server - IIS (if relevant) and have your client applications (again if relevant) retrieve them directly frmo there instead.
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