

本文介绍了php inotify阻止但超时的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I want to use the pecl extension to php and use the inotify_read() function to detect changes in a file.


As a fail safe, I would like to specify a timeout value to the inotify_read function, just so I don't wind up blocking forever, in case an event is raised and is missed.


Does anyone know how to use the stream_select function to block for a specified number of seconds, but return immediately if an event is raised on the inotify_read.


I know there is way to perform the inotify_read non-blocking, but I don't want to sit there and poll, and I don't want the lag between when the file change happens vs. when I'll be informed by it.


I was able to use pcntl_alarm to interrupt the the system call, but I was hoping for something less intense.


像pecl inotify_init()函数一样,它返回围绕基础文件描述符的php_stream包装器.因此,是的,您应该能够使用stream_select()等待某些信号来通知inotify描述符.

Looks like the pecl inotify_init() function returns a php_stream wrapper around the underlying file descriptor. So yes, you should be able to use stream_select() to wait for something to signal the inotify descriptor.


Something like the following should work:

$in = inotify_init();
stream_set_blocking($in, false); // probably a good idea to make it non-blocking
$r = array($in);
$timeout = 10;
$n = stream_select($r, $w = array(), $e = array(), $timeout);
if ($n == 0) {
   // Timed out, so do something else
} else {
   // We know that inotify_read will not block; use it and process
   // the results

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07-29 22:55