我检查过的事情: - 股票上的免费空间 - 股票的权限 - 确保了分享是通过TCP而不是UDP挂载 - 默认设置已经到位 有关这个问题的任何想法吗? 谢谢 -R-Hey hey all..I''m using a DB2 8.2 in an 64bit environment in SLES9.Server is a HP Proliant DL385For storage I''m using a NetApp Fas250 filer.using a few NFS volumes to store the database.The one that worries me a bit is a volume meant to store the instanceuser(s) on.I have an nfs mount point /data/instance/after performing a db2 install, the users db2inst, dasusr and db2fencare created on that mount point... No problem.But for some reason I''m not able to create an instance.When I try to call db2icrt -w 64 -u db2fenc db2inst I get the followingerror message:DBI1281E The database manager configuration file could not beinitialized.When I copy the db2inst, dasusr and db2fenc dir to the same mount point,only without the actual mount in place (meaning that I have those dirson the same place, but now locally stored) I can create the instancewithout problems.So obviously there''s something wrong with my NFS settings.I have mounted the share over TCP in rw (remember, I can create the userdirectories).Are there any other parameters required to ensure the shares arecorrectly used by db2?Things I have checked:- Free space on the share- Permissions on the share- ensured the share is mounted over TCP instead of UDP- default settings are in placeAny thoughts on this matter?Thanks-R-推荐答案这听起来像db2inst用户标识没有权限写 到已安装的文件系统。您是否已经验证db2inst可以在已挂载的文件系统上写入 目录吗? Phil Sherman Jurgen Haan写道:This sounds like the db2inst userid does not have the authority to writeto the mounted file system. Have you verified that db2inst can write toits directories on the mounted file system?Phil ShermanJurgen Haan wrote:嘿嘿所有.. 我在SLES9的64位环境中使用DB2 8.2。服务器是HP Proliant DL385 对于存储我正在使用NetApp Fas250文件管理器。 使用一些NFS卷来存储数据库。 担心的那个我有点是用来存储实例用户的卷。 我有一个nfs挂载点/ data / instance / db2安装,用户db2inst,dasusr和db2fenc 是在该挂载点上创建的......没问题。 但由于某种原因,我无法创建实例。 当我尝试调用db2icrt -w 64 -u db2fenc db2inst时,我收到以下错误消息: DBI1281E数据库管理器配置文件无法初始化zed。 当我将db2inst,dasusr和db2fenc目录复制到同一个挂载点时,只是没有实际挂载(意味着我有这些挂载)相同的地方,但现在本地存储)我可以毫无问题地创建实例。 很明显我的NFS设置有问题。 我已经在rw中通过TCP挂载了共享(记住,我可以创建用户目录)。 是否还需要其他参数来确保db2正确使用共享? 我检查的内容: - 共享上的可用空间 - 共享权限 - 确保共享通过TCP而不是UDP挂载/> - 默认设置到位 有关此问题的任何想法? 谢谢 -R - Hey hey all.. I''m using a DB2 8.2 in an 64bit environment in SLES9. Server is a HP Proliant DL385 For storage I''m using a NetApp Fas250 filer. using a few NFS volumes to store the database. The one that worries me a bit is a volume meant to store the instance user(s) on. I have an nfs mount point /data/instance/ after performing a db2 install, the users db2inst, dasusr and db2fenc are created on that mount point... No problem. But for some reason I''m not able to create an instance. When I try to call db2icrt -w 64 -u db2fenc db2inst I get the following error message: DBI1281E The database manager configuration file could not be initialized. When I copy the db2inst, dasusr and db2fenc dir to the same mount point, only without the actual mount in place (meaning that I have those dirs on the same place, but now locally stored) I can create the instance without problems. So obviously there''s something wrong with my NFS settings. I have mounted the share over TCP in rw (remember, I can create the user directories). Are there any other parameters required to ensure the shares are correctly used by db2? Things I have checked: - Free space on the share - Permissions on the share - ensured the share is mounted over TCP instead of UDP - default settings are in place Any thoughts on this matter? Thanks -R-服务器启用了恶意的rw访问,所以每个人都应该能够写入。 只是为了河畔我改为用户db2inst并在 共享上创建了一个文件。没问题。我可以在其上创建,更改和删除文件。 Phil Sherman写道:The server has anonyous rw access enabled, so everyone should be able towrite.Just to be sure I changed to user db2inst and created a file on theshare. No problem. I can create, alter and delete files on it.Phil Sherman wrote:这听起来像db2inst用户ID没有权限写到已安装的文件系统。您是否已验证db2inst可以写入已安装文件系统上的目录? Phil Sherman Jurgen Haan写道: This sounds like the db2inst userid does not have the authority to write to the mounted file system. Have you verified that db2inst can write to its directories on the mounted file system? Phil Sherman Jurgen Haan wrote:嘿嘿所有.. 我在SLES9的64位环境中使用DB2 8.2。服务器是HP Proliant DL385 对于存储我正在使用NetApp Fas250文件管理器。 使用一些NFS卷来存储数据库。 让我担心的一个是一个体积意味着存储实例用户。 我有一个nfs挂载点/ data / instance / 执行db2安装后,用户db2inst,在该挂载点上创建了dasusr和db2fenc ...没问题。 但由于某种原因,我无法创建实例。当我尝试调用db2icrt -w 64 -u db2fenc db2inst我收到以下错误消息: DBI1281E数据库管理器配置文件无法初始化。 当我将db2inst,dasusr和db2fenc目录复制到相同的mount 点时,只是没有实际的挂载(意味着我有/那些dirs在同一个地方,但现在在本地我可以毫无问题地创建实例。 很明显我的NFS设置有问题。 我已经通过TCP挂载了共享在rw(记住,我可以创建用户目录)。 是否还需要其他参数来确保db2正确使用共享? - 共享上的可用空间 - 共享权限 - 确保共享通过TCP而不是UDP挂载 - 默认设置为到位 有关此问题的任何想法? -R - Hey hey all.. I''m using a DB2 8.2 in an 64bit environment in SLES9. Server is a HP Proliant DL385 For storage I''m using a NetApp Fas250 filer. using a few NFS volumes to store the database. The one that worries me a bit is a volume meant to store the instance user(s) on. I have an nfs mount point /data/instance/ after performing a db2 install, the users db2inst, dasusr and db2fenc are created on that mount point... No problem. But for some reason I''m not able to create an instance. When I try to call db2icrt -w 64 -u db2fenc db2inst I get the following error message: DBI1281E The database manager configuration file could not be initialized. When I copy the db2inst, dasusr and db2fenc dir to the same mount point, only without the actual mount in place (meaning that I have those dirs on the same place, but now locally stored) I can create the instance without problems. So obviously there''s something wrong with my NFS settings. I have mounted the share over TCP in rw (remember, I can create the user directories). Are there any other parameters required to ensure the shares are correctly used by db2? Things I have checked: - Free space on the share - Permissions on the share - ensured the share is mounted over TCP instead of UDP - default settings are in place Any thoughts on this matter? Thanks -R- Jurgen Haan写道:Jurgen Haan wrote:服务器启用了恶意的rw访问,所以每个人都应该能够写作。 为了确保我改为用户db2inst并在共享上创建了一个文件。没问题。我可以在其上创建,更改和删除文件。 The server has anonyous rw access enabled, so everyone should be able to write. Just to be sure I changed to user db2inst and created a file on the share. No problem. I can create, alter and delete files on it. 此外,实例是由root创建的。因此root需要在NFS卷上拥有_all_ 权限。特别是,root必须能够创建 文件,更改所有者和权限。还创建了一些suid文件, 如果你的NFS配置设置正确,那些应该按预期工作 up。你不会有任何机会使用像西葫芦这样的东西吗? - Knut Stolze DB2信息集成开发 IBM德国I remember dimly that there were some issues with DB2 databases on NFS. Idon''t remember any details, but you should find something via Google.Also, the instances are created by "root". So root needs to have _all_privileges on the NFS volume. In particular, root must be able to createfiles, change owners and permissions. Some suid-files are created as well,and those should work as intended if your NFS configuration is properly setup. You don''t use something like root-squash by any chance?--Knut StolzeDB2 Information Integration DevelopmentIBM Germany 这篇关于NFS问题的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云! 07-29 22:50