


我正在学习如何使用cordova来构建应用程序,并且目前可以通过Google chrome浏览器模拟移动屏幕.我正在尝试在需要使用Android Studio(已下载3.0稳定版)的android平台上对其进行测试.导入项目后, Gradle项目同步失败,并且似乎存在解决CordovaLib依赖关系的问题.见下图

I'm learning how to build app using cordova and I'm currently able to emulate a mobile screen via google chrome browser. I'm attempting to test it on android platform which requires using Android studio (downloaded the 3.0 stable version). After importing the project, Gradle project sync failed and there seems to be issues resolving some dependencies for CordovaLib. See image below


I have gone through several post here and still haven't been able to find a solution or maybe I'm missing the point considering that this is my first time learning with it. Below are the settings for


build.gradle(Module: CordovaLib)

and build.gradle(模块:android)

and build.gradle(Module: android)


Please how do i fix the issue and run my app in an emulator?



Is a typical error of migration, please read the paragraph 'Migrate dependency configurations for local modules':

dependencies {
// This is the old method and no longer works for local
// library modules:
// debugImplementation project(path: ':library', configuration: 'debug')
// releaseImplementation project(path: ':library', configuration: 'release')

// Instead, simply use the following to take advantage of
// variant-aware dependency resolution. You can learn more about
// the 'implementation' configuration in the section about
// new dependency configurations.
implementation project(':library')

// You can, however, keep using variant-specific configurations when
// targeting external dependencies. The following line adds 'app-magic'
// as a dependency to only the "debug" version of your module.

debugImplementation 'com.example.android:app-magic:12.3'



09-09 00:19