[[NSFileManager defaultManager] copyItemAtPath:@"whatever.txt"
toPath:@"/Volumes/MyDrive" error:©Error];
This gives me the error "The operation couldn’t be completed. File exists"
如果我尝试将其复制到/ Volumes / MyDrive / testFolder,一切复制到testFolder精细。
If I try to copy it to "/Volumes/MyDrive/testFolder" everything copies to testFolder just fine.
[[NSFileManager defaultManager] copyItemAtPath:@"whatever.txt"
toPath:@"/Volumes/MyDrive" error:©Error];
This gives me the error "The operation couldn’t be completed. File exists"
First, as KennyTM already told you, the error message is telling you one possible cause of the problem: The file already exists. The destination must not exist; you must either delete it or give a different name for the destination.
其次,还有另一个可能的原因:您只指定目标文件夹,而不是完整目标路径。您必须指定完整的目标路径,包括目标文件名。 Quoth文档:
Second, there is another possible cause of the problem: You only specified the destination folder, not the complete destination path. You must specify the complete destination path, including the destination filename. Quoth the documentation:
当复制文件时,目标路径必须以文件名结尾 - 没有明确采用源文件名。
"When a file is being copied, the destination path must end in a filename—there is no implicit adoption of the source filename."
如果您希望副本具有路径名 /Volumes/MyDrive/whatever.txt
If you want the copy to have the pathname /Volumes/MyDrive/whatever.txt
, that's the pathname you need to pass.
Also, don't forget to check whether the copy succeeded before you attempt to look at the error object. You should only look at the error object if the copy failed.
我想你会发现 testFolder
I think you'll find that testFolder
is, in fact, a file—specifically, it's the copy of whatever.txt.