本文介绍了C# 等效于 C (WinAPI) 中的 DllMain的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个较旧的应用程序(大约 2005 年),它接受 dll 插件.该应用程序最初是为 Win32 C 插件设计的,但我有一个可用的 C# dll 模板.我的问题:我需要做一些一次性初始化,这在 Win32 C dll 中会在 DllMain 中完成:

I have an older app (ca. 2005) which accepts dll plugins. The app was originally designed for Win32 C plugins, but I have a working C# dll template. My problem: I need to do some one-time initialization, which in a Win32 C dll would be done in DllMain:

BOOL APIENTRY DllMain(HANDLE hModule, DWORD ul_reason_for_call, LPVOID lpReserved) {
  [one-time stuff here...]

是否有与此等效的 C#?我的 C# 模板中没有DllMain".我尝试了文字 C# 解释,但没有成功:dll 可以工作,但不会触发 DllMain 函数.

Is there a C# equivalent of this? There is no "DllMain" in the C# template I have. I tried a literal C# interpretation, but no go: the dll works but it won't trigger the DllMain function.

public static bool DllMain(int hModule, int reason, IntPtr lpReserved) {
  [one time stuff here...]



Give your class a static constructor and do your initialization there. It will run the first time anybody calls a static method or property of your class or constructs an instance of your class.

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09-17 11:18