


I am looking at replacing an old custom form designer with Delphi's form designer. Our application used a custom program for generating forms that could be used our own report writer. It is difficult to maintain the old application and using Delphi for the form designer seems to be a good option. The application that uses this forms is also written in Delp but these forms will not actually be displayed as real forms, we will just iterate through the components and generate our report.


One of the features of the current form designer is a "neighbors list". The neighbors list keeps track of the next top, bottom, right, and left cell for every cell on the form. The old designer updates this list when the form is saved during the design phase.


Everything else I need to keep track of maps very easily to your typical control properties (position, height, width, etc.). I can't figure out how to generate and save this type of neighbor information in the dfm.


Is there any way for a component on a form, at design time, to get an event fired when anything on the form changes? Or an event when the form is saved?


I have thought about two approaches to the problem1) Keep the neighbor information in each individual control. That will kind of work, but still has the problem of getting out of sync when other controls on the form are moved unless I can get an event that let's me know when to update.


2) Have a non-visual component that just keeps track of the list. I could add a custom property editor page that has and "update" button on it that would regenerate the list, but then I would need to remember to click that before the final version was saved. I can see that step being missed and would rather have something that just works.


I could also change the application to dynamically find the neighbors at runtime, but I was hoping I could find a way to make it work at design time.


A solution for any version of Delphi would work.

对于为什么这是一个坏主意的任何评论也将不胜感激,因为我没有100%地说服自己这是正确的方法。 :-)

Any comments as to why this is a bad idea in general will also be appreciated as I have not convinced myself 100% that this is the right approach. :-)


创建新的TForm后代并覆盖 DefineProperties 用于在流式处理过程中加载和保存列表的功能。 MarcoCantù在他的中介绍了添加新设计时间表单的详细信息。 ,但您可能只需要在Register过程中调用 RegisterCustomModule 就可以逃脱。

Create a new TForm descendant and override the DefineProperties function to load and save the list as part of the streaming process. Marco Cantù covers the details for adding new design time forms in his Delphi Developer's Handbook, but you can probably get away with just calling RegisterCustomModule in your Register procedure.

或者,您可以创建 TApplicationEvents 对象(AppEvnts.pas),分配一个 OnMessage 处理程序,并观察任何 WM_SIZE 消息。然后,您可以使用 FindControl 来获取该消息所针对的TWinControl,并检查它是否是您的表单的父项。确保您在此处执行的任何过滤都是快速的,因为OnMessage将看到整个IDE的每条消息。

Alternatively you could create a TApplicationEvents object (AppEvnts.pas), assign an OnMessage handler, and watch for any WM_SIZE messages. You can then use FindControl to get the TWinControl that the message is for and check to see if it's parented to your form. Make sure whatever filtering you do here is fast, since OnMessage will see every message for the entire IDE.


07-29 22:21