I'm trying to write a basic augmented reality app in Android, but I'm running into some trouble doing platform-uncoupled calculations because I don't know how to interpret the zoom levels on Android.
The zoom levels range from 0 - params.getMaxZoom(), but I can't find any documentation about what those zoom levels actually mean (for example, zoom level 0 is obviously 0% zoomed in, but is zoom level 1 like 10% zoomed in?)
缩放级别是否完全未定义和任意抽象?我希望不会 - 这将使放大AR非常绝望。
Are the zoom levels totally undefined and arbitrary abstractions? I hope not - that would make zoomed-in AR pretty hopeless.
D'oh - 看起来像我只是需要阅读文档更密切。答案可以在这里找到:
D'oh - looks like I just needed to read the documentation more closely. The answer can be found here:getZoomRatios ()