

如何编写控制台命令 yii controller / action --param1 = something --param2 = anything 并在操作中检索这些命名参数?

How can I write the console command yii controller/action --param1=something --param2=anything and retrieve those named parameters in the action?



I found out that the documentation does say how to, but instead of calling it "named parameters" as I expected it to, it is called options: http://www.yiiframework.com/doc-2.0/guide-tutorial-console.html#create-command


The docs is not quite complete though. So here is an example:

  1. 将参数作为属性添加到控制器:

class CustomerController extends Controller {
    public $param1;
    public $param2;

  1. 选项方法到控制器:

  1. You add the options method to the controller:

    public function options($actionID) {
        return array_merge(parent::options($actionID), ['param1', 'param2']);

$ actionID parent :: options($ actionID)用于包含任何现有的选项。

$actionID must be specified, and parent::options($actionID) is used to include any existing options.

  1. 现在,您可以使用 $ this-> param1 $ this- ; param2 ,例如:

  1. You can now access the parameters within your action with $this->param1 and $this->param2, eg.:

    public function actionSomething() {
        doAnything($this->param1, $this->param2);


It's okay to combine non-named and named parameters. The named ones just need to be specified last.

如果你指定一个没有值的参数(例如 - param1 而不是 - param1 = 500 )的值 $ this-> param1 将为布尔 true 。如果没有指定,则 NULL

Also lacking from the docs is the fact that if you specify a parameter without a value (eg. --param1 instead of --param1=500) the value of $this->param1 will be boolean true. If not specified at all the value will be NULL.


09-05 03:06