




I am using CSS3 hover and transitions to show and hide an image. On mobile devices I would like to use the same transition for touch events.


Basically, the first touch would perform the hover effect or rollover, and the touch up would perform the roll off.


I would like to stay away from using JavaScript to do this. If there is a way to do it with pure CSS3 that would be the best option.


在css中使用:active ontouchstart = onmouseover =添加到正文标签。

Use the :active pseudo-class in your css, then add ontouchstart="" and onmouseover="" to the body tag.


The following code is excerpted from my site, in which I have buttons that get smaller and glow white when hovered(on pcs) or held down(on touch devices)

    -webkit-box-shadow:0px 0px 20px #FFF;
    -moz-box-shadow:0px 0px 20px #FFF;
    -o-box-shadow:0px 0px 20px #FFF;
    box-shadow:0px 0px 20px #FFF;

<body ontouchstart="">
    <a href="#teamdiv">
        <div class="boxbutton" id="teambb">


The following edits are no longer relevant because I have deleted the original, incorrect instructions, but if you were here before these may still be helpful

编辑:我发现它更可靠,如果,而不是把 ontouchstart =,将其放在< body> 标记中。所以你的body标签应该像这样< body ontouchstart => ,你的链接看起来像这样

I have discovered it works more reliable if, rather than putting ontouchstart="" in each link, put it in the <body> tag. So your body tag should look like this<body ontouchstart=""> and your links look like this

<a href="#teamdiv">
    <div class="boxbutton" id="teambb">

EDIT 2:我发现,并使用屏幕尺寸查询桌面,只需添加`onmouseover =到body标签,因此:active伪类将被鼠标在桌面上和通过移动触摸来调用。如果您这样做,您可以忽略有关媒体查询的赌博。

EDIT 2: I have figured out that, rather than copying your CSS and use screen size queries for desktop, just add `onmouseover="" to the body tag also, so the :active pseudo class will be called by the mouse on the desktop AND by touches on mobile. You can just ignore the rambling about media queries if you do this.


07-29 21:53