我们正计划从Visual Studio 2005迁移到Visual Studio 2012(Visual-C ++-11).(如果能提供帮助,我们非常希望跳过2010,因为较新的版本已经存在,并且提供了更好的C ++体验.)
We're planning moving from Visual Studio 2005 to Visual Studio 2012 (Visual-C++-11).(We would very much like to skip 2010 if we can help it, since the newer version is already there and offers a better C++ experience.)
But we've hit a little roadblock:
我们的构建服务器仍运行Windows 2003r2(均在专用虚拟机中),并且由于杂乱的工具支持/问题,我们无权将构建服务器升级到较新的操作系统.
Our build servers still run Windows 2003r2 (all inside dedicated virtual machines), and due to messy tool support/issues, we're in no position to upgrade the build servers to a newer OS.
到目前为止,大多数开发人员已切换到Windows7,因此移动其余的Windows XP开发人员箱应该不会造成问题.
Developers mostly have switched to Windows7 by now, so moving the remaining Windows XP developer boxes shouldn't pose a problem.
由于VS2012仅在Win7上运行,我们想知道我们是否可以利用它的工具(C ++编译器,C#),并且仍然在W2k3构建服务器上进行完全等效的构建-毕竟,我们真的不需要那里的VS GUI ,只需从VS2012构建C ++和C#项目即可.
Since VS2012 only runs on Win7 we are wondering whether we can leverage it's tools (C++ compiler, C#) and still do a full equivalent build on the W2k3 build server - after all, we don't really need a VS GUI there, just build C++ and C# projects from VS2012.
SDK(7.1?8?)编译器+ msbuild命令行会让我随处可见吗?
Will the SDK (7.1? 8?) compilers + msbuild command line get me anywhere?
Well. Not much came out of this question. We recently re-evaluated this issue, and I see two options (I haven't tried any yet):
- 只需在受支持的OS(Win7)上进行完整的VS安装,将整个VS + WinSDK目录(以及位于%WINDR%下某个地方的必要的runtme DLL)压缩包,然后尝试是否可以得到该文件在基于XP的操作系统上工作.可能会工作.如果你问我,那不是一个好主意.
- 拆分构建过程,以在多个操作系统之间分发构建,以便我们可以使用仅在其中一个受支持的工具. -这听起来实际上比它要复杂.我们已经在多个Jenkins工作中运行了我们的构建,所以我应该能够使它工作. (而且所有构建节点都已经是VM,因此添加更多VM并不是什么大问题.)
这篇关于在VS2012上进行开发时,可以在Windows XP上构建吗?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!