I have compiled sample set of the files linked here: Recognition Files (Sample)推荐答案每张幻灯片上都有一个或几个形状.为了便于说明,假定收件人的姓名为 first 形状.On each slide there are one or several shapes. For the sake of illustration, assume that the recipient's name is in the first shape.Sub ExportSlidesToIndividualPDF()Dim oPPT As Presentation, oSlide As SlideDim sPath As String, sExt As StringSet oPPT = ActivePresentationsExt = ".pdf"For Each oSlide In oPPT.Slides '## Retrieve the recipient's name from the shape and append it to the exported path: sPath = oPPT.FullName & oSlide.Shapes(1).TextFrame.TextRange.Text i = oSlide.SlideNumber oSlide.Select oPPT.ExportAsFixedFormat _ Path:=sPath & sExt, _ FixedFormatType:=ppFixedFormatTypePDF, _ RangeType:=ppPrintSelectionNextSet oPPT = NothingEnd Sub根据幻灯片的配置方式,它可能会更复杂(例如,如果形状包含名称​​和其他文字,则需要一个函数来解析正确的名称并省略其余部分,等等It may be more complicated, depending on how the slides are configured (e.g., if there is a shape that contains the name and other text, you will need a function to parse out the proper name and omit the rest, etc.如果需要进一步的帮助,请提供有关该问题的更多详细信息.Provide more detail, about the problem if you need further assistance. 这篇关于VBA-将单个PowerPoint幻灯片导出为PDF文件,按内容字段命名的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
07-29 21:41