




We have a couple 3rd party systems that give us PDFs. We would like to convert those PDFs for display on the web without using an Adobe product. Ideally we would like to use Silverlight to render the PDFs but are having trouble converting from a PDF to Xaml or using docx format as a middle man. There are lots of libraries that give PDFs but that is not what we need.

如果有一个图书馆,在那里,这样做,一个.NET LIB是preferable但我们可以使用命令行,以及如果这是一个选项,运行转换。

If there is a library out there that does this, a .net lib would be preferable but we can run the conversion using the command line as well if that is an option.


另一种选择,如果你实际上并不需要在PDF文件改变任何东西,你可以使用pdf.js这使得PDF文档为HTML 5。欲了解更多信息请参阅本博客文章。

Another option, if you don't actually need to change anything in the pdf documents you can use pdf.js which renders pdf documents as html 5. For more info please see this blog post.

http://andreasgal.com/2011/06/15/pdf-js /


07-29 21:31